OSHC Information

OSHC Information

April Vacation Care

We had a great Vacation care program with all days fully booked.

The children enjoyed the excursions and incursions and the Easter Egg hunt was a great hit.

Please keep a look out for the June Vacation Care program towards the end of term.

We had a few people miss the days they wanted this holidays and the best way to avoid this is to get your bookings in early. Unfortunately, we are limited by bus numbers for all excursions.


OSHC Invoices

We are up to date with invoices now and the next invoice is due out today

Please make sure to check you are receiving the Centrelink CCS deduction and contact Centrelink if you are not. Please also check you have confirmed your enrolment on your My Gov account.

There are a few accounts that are still having issues with this and we are working with them to fix this as soon as possible.

If you have any concerns please let me know with an email on wheelershilloshc@gmail.com


From the OSHC Team