Positive Climate for Learning

 7-10 Learning Community

Welcome back to Term 4! 


With all the disruptions this year it’s hard to believe we are in Term 4 and getting ready to wind up the academic year in another 10 weeks.  I would really like to acknowledge the commitment of both secondary staff and students as they have navigated this past term.  Although it’s been a difficult time we have a seen many of students continue to attend school every day and put in a tremendous effort. Thank you to all of our families who have supported our students and encouraged them to continue in their learning.


Half way through Term 3 students began their new electives for a 10 week block. These electives have included: Active Outdoors, Wood Tech and Horticulture.  This week students will be moving on to their next elective. 


Lyndal reported on what the students have been doing in Active Outdoors:

“Active Outdoors focused on an onsite introduction to outdoor education due to covid-19 Restrictions. We looked at one element each week: earth, wood, water, fire and metal. Each lesson considered theory and a practical activity. Students were highly engaged and enjoyed learning about topics such as high altitude location, erosion, climate change, drought and outdoor navigation. They also enjoyed erecting tents (and trying to squeeze them back into the bag), making kites, orienteering and learning how to use a Trangia (outdoor cooking stove) to cook two minute noodles. They particularly enjoyed eating them.”