What's Happening at OLA!


The weather has been so beautiful and sunny lately that last week the children enjoyed playing and learning outside. On Thursday, some children kicked the ball to each other, while others caught the ball. This is a fun way to develop ball skills. The playground is a safe supportive environment where the students can work, act, play and explore.


Another group of children used their imagination to build a ‘fire’ on the ground. They found some small sticks and spiked a foam (packing) chip onto the end. Then they ‘roasted’ marshmallows in the fire and pretended to eat them. That was a fun and creative way to share and participate whilst playing with friends. Children are encouraged to cooperate with others in small groups and play situations by listening, sharing spaces and learning to follow the rules to ensure that everyone participates equally and fairly.

Mrs Petkovic


We have continued to learn about outer space in Kindy. We have been learning about the Earth as one of the eight planets. We have learnt about how special our planet is because it provides life to people and animals. We have thought of ways we can help to take care of our planet. We looked closely at pictures of the earth and asked the children to use available resources to create their own interpretation of our planet. We then asked the children to tell us all about what they know about Earth and we wrote this below their picture. We did a similar activity with the sun. The children used different methods of painting to represent the sun. This time we encouraged the children to have a go at writing about the sun. They were pretty proud of their pictures.

Mrs Fruvall and Mrs Taylor

Year 1

This term, we have been having lots of fun participating in dancing lessons. We have been learning a special routine in preparation for our End of Year Concert. We have focused on lots of different moves and picked up the rhythm. We are on the way to being the next dancing superstars! We are looking forward to performing for you all at the concert.


This week, we started swimming lessons for the first time at OLA. We have had lots of fun getting on the bus each day and jumping in the water. We have been getting our hair wet putting our heads under water. We have loved using the kickboards and noodles. Some of us have been practising our freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. With all of our new skills we will be ready for the beach this Summer!

Miss Saraceni and Mrs Ravi

Year 3

Last week, the Year 3s started a new Maths topic of Chance and Data and had loads of fun, sorting out and collecting data about M&Ms. Despite the temptation, we managed to make a table which tallied how many M&Ms we had of each colour. We then transferred that information onto a bar graph. Finally, after all of this Maths work, the children were rewarded with a bag full of M&Ms each.

Mrs Tollis and Mrs Pilatti

Year 5

POW! Is it that time of the year already! 


In Year 5, we have been working on using figurative language in our writing.  Ms Knight and Mr McIntyre thought we'd never get it in a million years, but really we found it a piece of cake. After reading some of our work, our teachers were as proud as peacocks and they are truly amazed at our brilliance.


In keeping with our figurative language, for Art we have been exploring Pop Art. We've created Pop Art using onomatopoeias , we think they really POP and make a statement.  We also created digital Pop Art using the iPads.  Some of our work is on display in the office if you are interested in checking it out.


Mr McIntyre and Ms Knight really have been working us to the bone, because we've also been designing and creating a new shoe line. We made a prototype using only newspaper and sticky tape and then, after careful consideration, we modified and remade them. We'll be doing a fashion parade at a later date, so get ready to shine.

Ms Knight and Mr McIntyre