Parents and Friends

The Fathering Project - Dads' Night: Christmas Drinks

Come and join like minded OLA dads and father figures for an early Christmas drink on Wednesday 14 November. Steven Rushforth from national organisation, The Fathering Project, will be speaking, along with Greg Martin. Check out the flyer below for more information! Please RSVP to

Give a Little, Get a Lot

In preparation for another fantastic year in 2019, the OLA P&F has already started planning next year's community events and fundraisers and we would love to have some new faces helping us out on committees or as regular members of the P&F.


Each year the P&F coordinates the Family Fun Night, Parents' Bingo or Quiz Night, School Disco, Parent Information Sessions, fundraising movie sessions and sausage sizzles, and starting next year, preparations for the 2020 School Fete. With so many great community events and activities we simply need more hands.


If you are community minded, have a good heart and want to see your kids community thrive, please get in touch with a P&F member, come to the next P&F meeting (Tuesday 13 November at 7.30pm) or email us at


We would love to have you on board as either a full P&F committee member or a sub-committee member who works on just one event/activity - no experience necessary and loads of support given. 😊 

Entertainment Books - Thank you Chris Macri

Thank you to the wonderful Chris Macri for once again organising the sale of Entertainment Books throughout the school community. This year there were 77 memberships sold, resulting in $1078 raised for the P&F.  A great result by one very dedicated parent. Thank you again Chris!

Cards that Count

Exactly 100 packs of Christmas Cards were purchased through Cards that Count, resulting in $500 of funds raised for the OLA P&F. Great job everyone! We hope your family and friends love their unique Christmas greetings. Packs are due to be distributed on Friday 16 November.

Contact Us

If you have anything you would like to discuss with the P&F you can contact us at