Principal's Message

A Prayer for Peace

Almighty God, we remember with thanksgiving, those who made the supreme sacrifice for us in times of war. We pray that their offering of their lives may not have been in vain. May your grace enable us this day to dedicate ourselves to the cause of justice, freedom and peace; and give us the wisdom and strength to build a better world.


Remembrance Day Liturgy

All families are invited to join us for a Remembrance Day Liturgy on Monday 12 November at 10.50am on the oval.

Dads' Night - This Wednesday

Please refer to the P&F page of this newsletter for information about the upcoming Dads' Night at OLA as part of our introduction to The Fathering Project. We hope you can come along on Wednesday night.

Semester Two Reports - SEQTA Engage

Semester Two Reports will be made available to families via the SEQTA Engage Portal on Monday 3 December. Please take the time to check that you can still access the portal with the username and password you created last semester. We do not have access to your login details, so if you are experiencing difficulties with logging in a new email will need to be sent from Mrs Erskine. Please contact her via email if you require assistance. To access the portal please visit

Year 6 Student Leadership Opportunities Commencing 2019

It is with great excitement that we launch the new Year 6 Student Leadership Program. As of 2019, the Year 6 students at OLA will be provided with various roles and responsibilities throughout their final year of Primary School.


The roles include; Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl and Faction Captains. The current Year 5 students are busy preparing their presentations in readiness for the vote in Week 7.


Please see the attached document for a copy of the Program.

Pre-Kindergarten Parent Information Session

The Pre-Kindergarten Parent Information Session will be held on Friday 16 November in the Fr. O'Mara Centre at 9.30am.

Thank You

Thank you to the families who are dropping their children to school at 8.15am and who are collecting their children by 3.30pm. Your support with this is greatly appreciated.

St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal

This year, we are asking all OLA families to make a gift donation to the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. This appeal seeks to assist others in need including; low-income families, those who are homeless and refugees and migrants.


Families are asked to please donate a gift for a child the same age and gender as their own child. For example, a female Year 1 student would purchase a gift for a female 6 or 7 year old. Please give donations to your child's class teacher by Wednesday 28 November. We thank you for your generosity and support with this initiative.


Dance lessons are in full swing as we prepare for our concert on Friday 30 November at 6pm. We hope that all families can join us to celebrate the end of a great year!

Swimming Lessons

This week, the children in Pre-Primary to Year 3 commenced swimming lessons at Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre. The feedback from children, parents and staff has been extremely positive and this has been a wonderful addition to what we have on offer here at OLA.

Have a great weekend!


Greg Martin
