Student News


Ideas from Our School Leaders


Hello everyone. Since we have been staying home and have time on our hands we have to be keeping occupied. I have come up with some ideas to do with your family and independently. 

I think something great to do is cooking or baking. I have come up with some easy and fun recipes to do while in quarantine. It would be great if you could email Mr Stead or me some recipes that you have made or maybe some recipes recommended here!

Here are some recipes ↓


Starfish Fairy Bread!

12 slices bread thick

40 g butter softened

24 sultanas 

4 tbsp sprinkles

  1. Use a 9 cm star cutter to cut out a star from each slice of bread. Discard excess bread or eat it!
  2. Spread one side of each star with softened butter.
  3. Dip bread in sprinkles 
  4. Lastly add sultanas for the eyes! (This is optional. If u don’t like or don't have sultanas use 


Chocolate Balls

250 g sweet plain biscuits crushed

2 tbsp cocoa

395 g condensed milk

1 cup coconut

  1. Mix all the ingredients and shape into balls.
  2. Place in the fridge for 15-30 minutes to harden.
  3. Lastly roll in sprinkles or coconut!



Mars Bar Cars

12 Mars Bars

12 Arnott's Tiny Teddy biscuits

45 g Skittles

1/2 cup icing sugar

1/2 cup cocoa


  1. Make a few holes on top of the Mars Bars with a skewer.
  2. Push Tiny Teddy into holes as drivers.
  3. Mix the icing sugar and cocoa with a little water.
  4. Stick Skittles on sides of the Mars Bars with the icing to make the wheels and steering wheel if desired.


I would love to see your recipes and what you have created during quarantine. This can be art, cooking, music, lego and anything else that you have done to keep occupied. These will be featured in the newsletter and we are excited to see them.


           ⭐ Daily Reminders⭐ 

⭐ You are loved by everyone

⭐ People care about you

⭐ You are strong

⭐ You are worth more than the earth.


Activities to Do at Home by Ivonne

Indoor Activities

If you want to play a games,indoors,during remote learning,here are somethings you can try.

-Hide and seek

Instructions and rules:

  1. You will need at least 2 players or more.
  2. You have to choose someone to be the seeker(the person who will find the hiders)
  3. The hiders will have to hide while the seeker counts to 20 or more,thats up to you.
  4. If the seeker finds a hider,the hider is out until the next round
  5. The last hider is the winner!

-Simon says

Instructions and rules:

  1. You will need at least 2 players or more.
  2. You have to choose someone to be ‘simon says’
  3. Simon will say something,and the rest of the players have to do it.

e.g Simon says,hop on one foot.

  1. However,when simon DOESN’T say simon says in the beginning when he’s told you to do something,do not do it or you will be out

e.g hop on one foot

  1. The last person standing wins!

Outdoor Activities 

-Red rover 

Instructions and rules:

  1. You will need 2 players or more.
  2. You will need someone to be the person who calls out red rover,and the tagger(they are the same person)
  3. When the tagger asks for people with a certain thing they are wearing,the people must run past the tagger without getting caught.

e.g red rover,red rover,I call people with white socks

People wearing white socks will have to run

  1. If you get caught,you can either join the tagger,or you can wait till the next round.
  2. The last person standing wins!


Instructions and rules:

  1. You need 2 players or more
  2. You will need someone to be the tagger
  3. The tagger goes around tagging people while the others are trying to run away from the tagger
  4. If you have been tagged,you can join the tagger,or you can wait for the next round.
  5. Don't get caught!

These are some activities you can feel free to try at home if you like,and remember,have fun!



Mr Stead’s List of Must Read Novels

  1. Frontier Wolf by Rosemary Sutcliff
  2. The Eagle of the Ninth by Rosemary Sutcliff
  3. The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander
  4. The Black Cauldron by Lloyd Alexander
  5. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S Lewis
  6. The Luck of Troy by Roger Lancelyn Green
  7. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien
  8. Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
  9. Hating Alison Ashley by Robyn Klein
  10. The Complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
  11. Coral Island by R.M Ballantyne
  12. The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling
  13. The Heroes (Greek Mythology) by Charles Kingsley
  14. The Heroes of Asgard by A & E Keary
  15. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
  16. Old Christmas by Washington Irving
  17. The Witches by Roald Dahl
  18. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
  19. Bush Christmas by Ralph Smart & Mary Cathcart Borer
  20. I Am David by Anne Holm
  21. Charlotte’s Web by E.B White
  22. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K Rowling
  23. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
  24. The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame

Film Review


Produced by:Paramount Studios
Directed by:Joe Dante
Written by:Eric Luke
Starring:Ethan Hawke, River Phoenix, Jason Presson

Explorers is a 1985 American science fiction fantasy film. 

Three teenage boys who are struggling through Junior High(Year 7) build a spacecraft to explore outer space.

Ben (Ethan Hawke) loves anything to do with space and science fiction. He wants to be an astronaut when he grows up. Wolfgang (River Phoenix) is a genius, he is brilliant with maths, science and computers. Darren (Jason Presson) is good at building things and working on mechanical machines and engines. The boys don't exactly fit in at school. Ben and Wolfgang have been friends for sometime. Darren becomes their friend when he steps in and helps Ben when he is fighting a bully. Ben keeps having strange dreams about going into space. Ben has been describing these dreams to Wolfgang, who draws what Bne describes. Wolfgang realises that what Ben is dreaming looks like a computer circuit, so Wolfgang builds the computer circuit. The program works and generates a forcefield. After some funny mishaps, the boys realise that they can use the forcefield to travel into space. They build a makeshift spacecraft from junk and this is where the out of this world adventure really begins.

 An enjoyable story with a good message. Funny moments and a surprising ending. Best suitable for Years 5/6, but 3/4s would enjoy it too.
Original Theatrical Poster
Original Theatrical Poster
DVD Cover
DVD Cover




















Book Review

Title:Frontier Wolf
Author:Rosemary Sutcliff
Publisher:Puffin Books
Summary:The story is set in Britain during the Roman occupation of about 100 AD. We follow Alexios who has been given command of a frontier fort in Northern Britain beyond Hadrian's Wall. The fort is garrisoned by an auxiliary cavalry unit called the Frontier Wolves. Alexios needs to earn the respect and trust of men he commands as well as that of the local Celtic tribes, villagers and farmers.
 Historically accurate. Great detail. Lots of excitement and a dramatic ending. An easy and enjoyable book to read. I have read it at least 7 times.