Principal's Message

St Luke's... "nurturing faith filled, curious children to become creative contributors and innovative problem solvers for a changing world."

Dear Supporters of the College,


I trust you are all well as we experience unusual weather for this time of year. As we continue to wrestle with the changing landscape of Covid-19, we also are blessed to know we live, work and play in a safe part of the world. May this continue to be our fortunate reality as we continue to wrestle with the changing patterns of life.


Timetable Review

Last week, I was asked to present to my CEDP colleague principals about how we are how we are using time as expressed through our Timetable Trial, which has been in place since the start of Term 3.


As you know, Dr Annette Sartor from Western Sydney has been engaged by the College to research and report back to the Leadership Team regarding the Timetable trial. The report will be based on surveys and interviews from parents, students, and staff. I am pleased to inform you that over 300 parents have responded to the survey which closed late last week. Also, there have been and will continue to be interviews hosted with some parents who indicated a desire to do so. The intention is for Dr Sartor to provide a report by the end of this month and for the recommendations to be shared with the community soon after.



NAIDOC Week celebrations are held around the country to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Its origins can be traced to the emergence of Aboriginal groups in the 1920′s which sought to increase awareness in the wider community of the status and treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.


The NAIDOC 2020 theme - Always Was, Always Will Be - recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. NAIDOC 2020 invites all Australians to embrace and acknowledge the true history of this country – a history that dates back thousands of generations.




As part of NAIDOC Week celebrations at St Luke’s, we will have a smoking ceremony, class-based activities for children in the CELC and students in Kindergarten to Stage 4 which will be led by Year 9 students. Furthermore, some students will represent the College and participate in a ‘Move it Mob Style’ virtual dance workshop on Thursday.


We trust our commitment to NAIDOC week will increase our understanding of how our Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders  can feel acknowledged and valued in our multicultural Australia as our First Nations People.


New and Future Buildings

Please click on the video link below. It conveys the latest with regards to new buildings arriving at the College.

Furthermore, here are the plans for the growing number of specialist facilities which will see Makerspaces, Art Studios, Science Labs, Hospitality Kitchens, and Music Rooms all a part of our offerings from the beginning of 2021.  


In March 2021, the School of Leadership and our newest building, will open. This will see all Year 5 to 8 students, as well as St Luke's Arrunga students, enjoy a modern and contemporary learning environment. Soon after, the "The Hub", which currently accommodates Year 5 to 8, will enjoy a refurbishment and be refitted for its original purpose. It will become a dynamic ‘learning commons’ for St Luke’s learners, staff, school community and local professionals' which hosts an Apple-style genius bar with high end VR and AR technology, a film studio, a sound studio for our own local radio station, reading nooks for various stages of learning, displays spaces for showcase work and collaborative work spaces for senior students.


In June of 2021, the final phase of the building program will commence. This will see an 18 month building program which, when completed, will house our learning for Year 9-12 students with access to the latest facilities and specialist spaces including research laboratories and high-end incubator spaces which will assist and enable our students to become creative contributors and innovative problem solvers for a changing world. How exciting!


Deacon Tony's re-appointment

Last week, I was very pleased to hear that Deacon Tony and his Wife Annette were reappointed for another three years by Bishop Vincent to oversee as the Pastoral Directors of the St Luke’s Community. As part of his letter of appointment Bishop Vincent wrote, “Deacon Tony you and Annette have been instrumental in the growth of this vibrant and faith-filled community and I extend my deepest appreciation to you both in that.”


On behalf of the St Luke’s learning Community, I would like to acknowledge the great work both Deacon Tony and Annette have done in designing and establishing a new and vibrant Catholic faith community in a contemporary way. It is a blessing that Deacon Tony and Annette have been called to serve among the community of Marsden Park, and we offer our congratulations as they lead the next three years of the evolving faith community.


Until the next edition of 'The Net', many Blessings.


Mr Greg Miller

Principal Leader