A Reflection 

Practice the Pause

At the beginning of the term I shared this reflection...  'To Pause'.

The importance, in these times to practice the pause. 

As we finish the term, it seems even more important. 

As we watch the rest of Victoria open up, we watch and pause and wait for our turn.

So again I ask you to practice the pause and when the new term begins, we hope and pray that we will all see each other beyond the virtual world and we can enjoy the celebrations together, that the end of a school year brings.


To Pause...

When in doubt, pause.

When angry, pause.

When tired, pause.

When stressed, pause.

And when you pause, pray.


Just so you know my Dad is doing OK. He has learnt to Zoom his siblings (we are all life long learners) and he is busy in the vegie garden. But when I come in after a crazy day of Google Meets and paperwork, he reminds me to pause!


So these school holidays - pause - pray and focus on the simple positive joys of life ... just like my Dad!

Take care, keep safe and practice the pause,


Jo Cowan

Deputy Principal/Religious Education Leader