Principal's Message 

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,


It is hard to believe we are at the end of Term 3 and what a very different term it has been! It has been a remarkable effort from everyone in the school community.

A huge congratulations to all our parents who have taken on the task of supporting their children in their home learning this term. Thank you for the patience, cooperation, persistence, resilience and love you have given your children. It has been a tough time for families, especially where parents have been working from home.

Our COHR staff  have done an amazing job this term in supporting their students. They have contributed to the busy term with regular whole class  and small group Google Meets, daily feedback, communication with parents, planning, keeping in contact with the school and participating in regular virtual staff meetings. I am grateful to all our staff for their commitment to their profession in this ever-changing education environment.

Finally a huge THANK YOU to our students. They are to be commended on their efforts, commitment and resilience this term. They are truly SUPERSTARS!

Let's hope that, as we conclude the year in Term 4, we see restrictions being lifted, allowing us increased flexibility in our learning environment.

Return to School in Term 4

As previously communicated, all children will continue with home learning in the week beginning 5th October. Learning materials for Week 1 will be distributed as per our usual procedures in Term 3.

Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students will return to on-site learning on Monday 12th October.

We wait for further advice regarding the return of our students in Years 3-6.

Remote Learning Parent Survey

The period of remote learning has been a challenging time for us all, but despite the major disruptions to normal activities, there will be many valuable lessons derived from this period that we as a school, and the system, wish to take forward. 

Below is a link to an optional survey in order to help capture the learnings from the remote learning period.

The surveys are designed to be a quick capture of learnings while the experience is fresh, and are not designed to capture every aspect of schooling during the lock down period. Your feedback will be valuable in learning from the experience and improving education outcomes.  

Here is the link to the survey. It is expected the survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Parent / Carer survey

Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our learnings as a school and education system.

COHR's Got Talent 2020

CONGRATULATIONS to all our entrants in this year's Talent Show. We certainly have some very talented students in our school and there was a terrific variety of acts which made it enjoyable viewing. A special thanks to Sarah Counihan for coordinating this event and adapting it to the virtual world.

I must say that the boy band at the end of the show were very talented!


We keep the Petrie family (William 3/4GR and Oliver Prep PS) in our thoughts and prayers this week with the passing of their Oma. 


Updated School Website

By the way........ if you haven't seen our updated website I invite you to have a look.

We are making a conscious effort to update the news and events section on a more regular basis. The school's calendar is also accessible on the website.


Time to Pause

As we approach the next school holiday period I hope all our families enjoy the break away from the routines of home learning. 


Please take care and be safe.