Other Information


Rollins Primary School recognises that being at school on time and attending every day contributes towards a student's learning and that maximising school attendance enhances academic outcomes.

We take attendance very seriously at Rollins PS and have a goal to have as close to 100% of student attendance as possible.

Towards the end of Term 2, the number of late attendances rose. Why is this a cause for concern, well, when students are chronically late to class, they can experience a wide range of problems. First and foremost, a late arrival is disruptive to the entire classroom. Instead of being focused on the beginning of class procedures, students turn to look at the late student. Chronic late attendance can also result in lost learning time as evident in the picture below. 

For more information regarding attendance please follow the link to the Education Department's Attendance Policy

ClassDojo (School/Home communication app)

Hi parents! Welcome back to school for Term 3! If you haven't already done so, we would like to invite you to download one of our communication apps. It’s a free app that allows you to connect to your children’s learning during school time, it's called ClassDojo. You are also able to inbox teachers if you have any concerns, questions or just need to pass on information. Please be aware that teachers will respond to those questions between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm. If you have any troubles or problems, please feel free to come in and have a chat, so your child’s teacher can support you (particularly to gain the instructions on how to gain access to your child’s folder). Looking forward to seeing you all online!

Being cyber wise and safe

At Rollins Primary School we care about the safety and wellbeing of all our community members. In 2019, many things are online and more and more children are on a variety of apps, but, how aware are you of these and some of the potential risks associated with them. Below is a gallery of many of the apps your child may currently use, or may in the future, and it pays to be aware and vigilant about their use. Each photo has some useful information on how to protect yourself and those you care about online. Credit: https://www.carlyryanfoundation.com/


We are currently collecting bread tags, bottle tops and old mobile phones at school. This not only saves these items from landfill, but helps others less fortunate than us.


Thank you to everyone for all of your bread tags so far - we have collected just over a kilogram of tags that will be delivered to Urban Upcycle, where they will be passed on and help contribute to the purchase of wheelchairs in South Africa.  Please continue to bring them in and place them in your classroom collection box.


We are also collecting bottle top lids. These lids are being turned into 3D plastic, which is then used to make prosthetic limbs for third world countries. Please place any lids you have in the box outside the office. There is also a box for any old mobile phones you no longer need or use.


If you would like to further information about these projects, please follow these links:

Breadtags  https://www.breadtagsforwheelchairs.co.za


Bottle tops https://envision.org.au/envision-hands/

Mobile phones https://www.zoo.org.au/get-involved/act-for-wildlife/theyre-calling-on-you


Thanks again for everyone’s support of these great causes.