Getting to Know You 

From the Director - God Writes Beautiful Stories

Welcome to our 3rd edition of CURIOSITY'S ELC iNewsletter for 2019.

Over the recent school holidays, I celebrated my 40th birthday with friends and family.  It was a special time of reflection as I took the time to sit in the posture of gratitude and see the beautiful stories that God has written with my life.

As I looked over the gathering of friends and family, it didn't take long to see the poetry that He had written in the relationships and friendships that I have been so blessed with.  Some of these poems have had sensational crescendos of joy and celebration, and some others, times of quiet reflection and some sorrow.  However, I know that throughout it all there has been a destiny marked out for each interaction and beauty has been found amongst each one.  

I wonder what stories are being written with your life and the life of your child/ren?  Are you able to see God's hand and craftmanship as you watch your children play?  How is your life adding value to others in a way that fulfills your purpose in this world?  Some deep questions for reflection.  Know that you are adding value to the stories of others everyday as you encounter both challenges and joys.

At CURIOSITY we are a community of people that look for ways to add value to each other.  If we can be supporting you in anyway, please let us know.  You are now part of our story and we look forward to being part of yours. 

Ephesians 2:10 - "We have become his poetry, a recreated people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One.  Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it!"

Blessings to you all, 
