Year 10 Formal 

Dear Year 10 parents,


Thank you for your wonderful support throughout the year so far! Our students have made amazing progress and it could not be done without your help at home. As such, we would like to reward those students who have given their best efforts and shown growth in all of their subjects by inviting them to our Year 10 Formal. You may have heard a little about this event already, and we wanted to make sure that everything about it is really clear.


So, here are some important details:


It will be happening on Friday the 25th of November 2022 6pm-10pm.


The theme, as chosen by our students, is Old Hollywood!


Most importantly, students will only be invited based on whether they have been signed off!


Soon, Year 10 students will be receiving their sign off sheets.

Once they have successfully demonstrated sufficient growth in each subject, their teachers will sign off their sheets.

Students should start having conversations with their teachers on how to make sure they meet this.


Once students have a fully completed sign off sheet, they can hand it in to Mr. Geng to receive their formal ticket!

Unfortunately, students who do not meet sign off will not be invited to Formal. We really want this event to be a reward for students who have worked extremely hard this year!


I hope this is all clear. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Phillips or Mr. Geng, who will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!