Principal's Report

by David Lord

Music Concert


It is a really important part of who we are at Staughton to celebrate the variety of ways in which our students achieve success. Last weeks Instrumental Music concert was a great example of this. This concert involves most of the students in our instrumental music program. Success can often be measured just by the fact that they are willing to go through the nerve-wracking experience of playing in front of a live audience. I have been playing live music for over thirty years and I still get nervous. I take my hat off to the many students who performed in front of our Staughton Family for the first time! 


Performances on the night were of high quality. This included the first-time performers. The crowd was large and enthusiastic on the night. It was a highlight for me to speak to the many proud parents. There is a great culture created amongst the performers across years levels in our music program. It is a great example of how students are able to connect to their school experience by being part of a smaller community linked to their interests and passions. I am very grateful to our Instrumental Music Coordinator, David Schembri, for his leadership of our Instrumental Music staff and students. 






We, at Staughton College, would like to show our respect and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is situated, of elders past and present. We extend a warm welcome to everyone who visits our school.