Year 10-11 Step Up - Week 9

Hello Year 10 parents/guardians; 


I hope you are all doing well. This is an important message to remind everybody that Year 10-11 Step Up will be happening in Week 9 (28th of November to 2nd of December). During Step Up, your child will get a really important opportunity to meet their teachers for next year and make the best possible start to their journey through their chosen senior pathway. Attendance is compulsory and extremely important; we at the school would greatly appreciate your support in making sure that your child attends in full school uniform, ready to learn as always!


VCE students will have classes every day for the week, while VCE Vocational Major students will have classes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Attending these classes will ensure that your child has access to the most important materials and resources to make their Year 11 successful. Thank you, as always, for your support!