Student reflection on AMC & VHAP programs 

Australian Maths Competition & Victorian High Ability Program Celebration Morning Tea


 On Monday 24 October , a morning tea was held during tutorial to celebrate the students who participated in the Australian Maths Competition (AMC) and Victorian High Ability Program (VHAP) in 2022. 

These programs and competitions were offered to students that are especially gifted in either English or Mathematics and have high learning effort.

 The AMC was a great opportunity for students to learn to collaborate with like-minded peers. They had four weeks to practise solving similar equations on past competition papers. Most participants expressed anxiety that they wouldn’t do well, but they all did a terrific job. Many people got Credit and above. Some got Distinction and there was even a High Distinction! Most competitors achieved a better result than they expected.

 VHAP is an English and Mathematics program for students that like working with people at a similar level. Participants do higher level work that they can discuss with their peers. It helps extend your skills in either English or Maths. The program lasts for a term, with one master-class a week.

 The morning tea was held to celebrate the achievements of the students in both the AMC and in VHAP. All the participants received their certificates at the morning tea and were congratulated on their efforts.

Well done to everyone who participated!


Sapphire Hamilton

Year 7

AMC & VHAP student