Principal's Report 

The impact of the current flooding situation in our community cannot be underestimated, but equally the impact of our students cannot be over stated. The way in which they rallied to support their community and the wider community beyond the school gates is something for us all to be proud of during these challenging times.


A sense of belonging, community and connection are values we pride ourselves on delivering and our students and staff alike have done just that over the last couple of weeks.


Whilst there is a sense of loss for the Year 12’s because their celebration day took on a whole different look, we will still be able to formally acknowledge them at their Mass and Graduation dinner in a few weeks; a night to remember no doubt. 


Our Year 12’s have received positive media coverage over the last week or so, on the radio, in the newspapers or various community pages; acknowledging their incredible community spirit is commendable and inspiring.


I am grateful to be a part of this wonderful faith community that is St Joseph’s, the way staff and students have adapted and continue to be flexible is both generous and shines a light on the level of commitment and enthusiasm we all have for the students we minister to on a daily basis.


My thanks also goes to a number of Catholic schools and community organisations across the country who have offered words of support, food, clothing and a whole range of other gifts to our College. Many of which we will engage within the coming weeks. I offer a special thank you to the Catherine McAuley College community for voluntarily and willingly hosting our Year 12 examinations because we cannot be our own exam centre at the moment but we look forward to reopening next week.


Whilst times like these can really challenge us, they can also forge strong connections and reinforce a sense of belonging and hope. This should be our focus when we return onsite with our students, which is likely to be next Wednesday. Communication will be sent to families regarding the details.


"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you…, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)


God Bless.


Anne Marie Cairns
