Community Notices

Fair Game Road Trip
Fair Game runs health and fitness programs across WA in regional and remote communities. Our programs involve two components, Game On! and Healthy Communities. Game On! involves children participating in unique, fun, sports-based activities which promote fitness, teamwork and coordination. The games are all-inclusive for maximum participation. Healthy Communities uses fun, interactive health education activities to engage children in evidence-based practices in the areas of oral, feet, ear and hand hygiene; meningococcal prevention, nutrition and smoking. This program is designed by healthcare professionals and assists in the prevention of communicable and chronic disease. All of our programs can be run indoors or outdoors (preferably basketball court or oval for Game On!), and we will bring all the equipment required. All programs are free and run by our fully trained volunteers who have Working with Children checks, Police clearances, and are COVID vaccinated.
Merredin District Lawn Tennis Club
Junior Tennis Tournament (Sunday 27th November). Entry form attached - entries close Wednesday 23rd November.
WAAPA Summer School 2023
Join us at WAAPA in January 2023 for fun, new friends, and lots of performing! This summer WAAPA is offering a range of performing arts courses as part of our school holiday program for secondary school students. Classes for young people from Year 7 to 12 in Acting, Dance, Screen performance, Jazz and Music Theatre means there is something for everyone with a passion for the arts. Our wonderful staff cater for all abilities and experience levels. For information about the many courses on offer please visit Summer School 2023 or contact Gabrielle Metcalf at or 9370 6775.