School News

Yagan Square Art Presentation
Congratulations to Keira English who was selected by the Shire of Mukinbudin to submit her artwork for the ShoWcAse in Pixels Competition for WALGA Week. The annual exhibition of artwork from Local Governments is displayed on the iconic 45-metre-high digital tower at the heart of Yagan Square in Perth City. Shire of Mukinbudin CEO, Dirk Sellenger presented Keira with a canvas of her artwork displayed at Yagan Square. Congratulations Keira.
Elachbutting Excursion
On 28th October, the years 3-6 students went for an excursion to Elachbutting Rock. They were treated to Whispie Bayly’s expertise in the environment and ecosystems present at the iconic landmark. After a visit to the wave and through Monty’s Pass the students went to the top of the rock and discussed the incredible ecosystems that survive up there. It was an amazing day. A huge thank you to everyone involved, especially Whispie Bayly, Allison Nixon, Cheryl Palm, Christine Bowron, Sarah-Kate Graham, Mel Hobbs and our wonderful bus drivers, Jess Collins and Tony Taylor.
Brilliant Brains
This week saw the last Brilliant Brains session. We celebrated with a Christmas theme. We enjoyed decorating reindeer biscuits, searching for shapes, making popcorn snowman cups, finding magnetic bells, balancing baubles and playing games. At the end, we were presented with our certificates and gifted a book. A big thank you to all businesses that donated to Brilliant Bains this year (Bendigo Bank, Graincorp, Dr Olat, Muka IGA, ANZ). We value and appreciate your support. A big thank you to my amazing helpers Allison Nixon and Joan Hobbs.
Thank you again to Mrs Lamond for another successful BB program. It is so beneficial to our 3-year-olds, as they get to know the school environment, their peers, the structure and they are learning and having fun at the same time. We look forward to seeing them in Kindy next year!
In Brilliant Brains on 31st October the children explored everything ocean. They caught fish, weighed and measured sea animals, dissolved ice, saved animals from jelly, and made jellyfish.
Remembrance Day
We were honoured to host a Remembrance Day Service at MDHS on Friday 11th November. Many thanks to our Emergency Services Cadets Unit and Mr Roberts who officiated this service. Thanks to Ev Comerford for the crocheted poppies which looked lovely. #wewillrememberthem.