A Message from David & Cam...

2022 Class Structures

As per previous years, we have spent considerable time discussing and analysing possible organisational structures for the upcoming year to maximise the learning opportunities for all of our students. We consider the needs of all of our individuals, both academic and social/emotional, and strategise over possible combinations and structures that will set all students up for success in 2023. 


The class structures for 2023 are:

  • 4x Prep Classes
  • 3x Year 1 Classes
  • 5x Years 2/3 Classes
  • 5x Years 4/5 Classes
  • 2x Year 6 Classes

We are expanding 2 classes next year (an extra Prep class and an extra 4/5 class). The expansion of classes enables us to have very small class sizes across the whole school which is beneficial for the academic and social/emotional growth of all our students.


As always we would like to ensure all parents and carers that we have a focus on growth for all students at Altona Green and our teachers work hard in their teaching teams to ensure that their teaching and learning programs are carefully designed and implemented and each student's progress is carefully monitored.

2023 Specialist Subjects

Our 2022 Specialist classes for P-6 will continue in 2023:

  • the Arts (including Visual Arts and Performing Arts)
  • STEM  (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
  • Physical Education
  • Languages (Italian)

We will also be continuing with the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program.

2023 Start Dates

Last week, School Council approved the following start dates:

  • Friday 27th January - Staff return
  • Monday 30th January - Grades 1 - 6 commence
  • Thursday 2nd February - Preps start school

Recycling Challenge

We would like to highlight the wonderful work of Izzy and Abby in creating the Recycling Challenge at AGPS. The girls approached us in Term 3 with a proposal for the challenge as they were concerned with the increased amount of rubbish that was out in the yard and felt that promoting and educating about the importance of recycling would be a great way to help combat this.


Abby and Izzy planned, implemented and reviewed the whole process from start to finish and took a considerable amount of their own time to make it such a success. It was wonderful to hear the girls speak at the latest assembly as they closed the competition and announced the winning class - 2/3S. Congratulations Abby and Izzy and congratulations 2/3S!

Tiddalick Incursion

As part of their Inquiry unit, the Year 1s recently enjoyed a performance by the Drama Toolbox which brought to life the Aboriginal Dream Time story of Tiddalik the Frog. The students participated in the performance and became local fauna such as emus, frill-necked lizards, wombats, koalas, kangaroos, cockatoos and kookaburras. Check out this amazing writing about the incursion:

Jensen - Track and Field Nationals

A huge congratulations to Jensen who recently came 4th in the 1500m at the Track and Field Nationals with a time of 4:49! This is another incredible achievement in a growing list of incredible achievements. We are all so proud of you, Jensen - well done!!

Floyd's Fundraiser

A reminder to get behind Floyd and donate to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia. Floyd is going to be brave and will shave his head and if we can raise enough money, Cam will shave his head too!


You can donate here: https://fundraise.pcfa.org.au/fundrai.../floyddyer/blue-hero

Student Leadership Roles

Our Grade 5 students have been submitting their applications for formal leadership positions in Grade 6. Applications are shortlisted and then students are able to discuss their applications and ideas for the role with Cam and myself during an interview. The captains will be announced at our end of year assembly. 


Along with School Captains and Vice Captains, there are a number of other leadership opportunities that the students can apply for and these roles include Sports Leaders, Art Leaders, STEM Leaders, Library Leaders & KEFAR Leaders.


We are really proud of the student leadership opportunities that are offered at Altona Green and are very excited to hear about all the great ideas that the students will have to make our school even better.

Step-Up Days

Our step-up says started today. All students were been given the opportunity to mix with other students and teachers across the school and to visit other classrooms. Transitions often cause stress and anxiety for many of our students and this process is valuable in ensuring that all students feel comfortable and confident as they move towards the end of the year. 

The second step-up day is next Thursday and the final session is on Tuesday 13th December where the students will be placed with their 2023 class in their 2023 classroom with their 2023 teacher.

Prep Transition

It has been such an exciting time welcoming our newest members of the AGPS community to our school over the past 2 weeks. Our 2023 preps have had their first transition session and they will have a further 3 sessions before the year is out. This process is such an important step to ensuring the students have the best possible beginning to their schooling journey. All the students, no matter if they bounded into the classroom or needed a little extra TLC at the beginning, left at the end of their sessions with huge smiles and confident walks as they ran to their parents to share their stories.


We are also looking forward to welcoming our newest parents and carers on Tuesday where we can get to know each other a little better through a school tour with a cup of coffee thanks to TeamKids. Welcome to our wonderful school! We look forward to a long partnership together.

We cannot believe we are down to the final three (and a bit) weeks of the school year! I really look forward to all the exciting events planned for the students and having some fun together as we close out the year.


We hope you all have a great weekend. 


Take care,


David & Cam