Assistant Principal's 


“Let us remember: one book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai


I invite the community of Burwood East Primary School 2022, to review our year of learning and growing with admiration and pride. It has been an amazing year with many things to celebrate! Working in partnership with students, families and staff, our school has continued to thrive. Together we have provided opportunities for the learners at Burwood East Primary School to Learn, Create and Inspire


Learn: Every day I feel privileged to be able to learn with and from our students, staff and parents. Students have achieved success in their personal learning goals, been encouraged to explore their interests/passions and supported to step outside their comfort zone to become resilient, critical and creative learners. It was fabulous to welcome back classroom helpers and guest speakers, who shared their expertise and supported students in their learning. As a staff, our Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and Curriculum Action Teams worked collaboratively, to provide targeted teaching and learning. They engaged in professional learning, exploring best practices across all learning areas, including student wellbeing. I like to acknowledge their dedication, contributions and positive energy they bring to our school – Thank-you! 


Create: Many fond memories were created at Burwood East PS this year. Our specialist team introduced opportunities for team teaching, cross pollinating curriculum learning areas to create rich learning experiences, including the Year 5/6 ‘I’m an Entrepreneur’ inquiry. Visual Arts and STEM worked collaboratively to explore concepts from design, marketing and consumerism, where students presented business ideas and ran a very successful expo. We also held a number of special events and activities, including school camping experiences (Year 3-6), Year 2 sleepover, BEPS Celebration Concert, Specialist Showcase, Year 6 Graduation and our kinder transition sessions. Our Parents Association and Junior School Council created many fundraising activities to support our school and local charities. Our Colour Run was a huge success, raising over $25,000 for our school and not to mention a fun, bright and messy experience. A huge team effort!


Inspire: As you read through 2022’s Year Book and reflect on the year that was, I hope you feel inspired by the students at Burwood East Primary School. A highlight this year was seeing the students engaged and inspired in their inquiry investigations. The Foundation students’ ‘Big Talk’ for ‘I’m an Engineer’ were incredible. We will definitely see some future electrical, chemical, software, civil and mechanical engineers. In our ‘I am an Historian’ inquiry, our Year 4 students explored the importance of movement and dance and how Aboriginal culture is expressed within a community. The Year 1 and 2s visited Como House as an introduction to experience Melbourne’s history, by looking at past roles, responsibilities, games and sport. They even dressed up for the occasion! Throughout our ‘I am Aware’ inquiry, Year 3 students explored roles and responsibilities of Australian citizens and reflected on how their own actions impact others and the environment. The students were proactive in generating class expectations and building respectful relationships to make BEPS a great learning community.


Thank you to everyone for contributing to such a memorable year of school. Our students all bring something unique and wonderful to this learning community and I cannot wait to see what 2023 will bring.


Lastly, goodbye to our Year 6 students heading off to high school next year, remember to be your wonderful self, dream big, be brave and show kindness.


Have a lovely break and stay safe,
