Year 4 - 2022 


The Year 4 students thoroughly enjoyed going on their first school camp ever! We attended Camp Weekaway from the 19th-21st of October. The students participated in a range of different activities over the three days we were there.

Camp was a really fun and helping experience - Kayley 4J

Smoothie Bar Incursion

In Term 2, all of the Year 4 students had a smoothie bar incursion to learn about being an entrepreneur. The students created some different smoothie flavours, tested them out to see which one people thought were the best, worked out a price for their smoothie which still had them making a profit and made a pitch as to why their smoothie was the best.


Create it incursion

In Term 4, the Year 4 students participated in an incursion all about engineering. They created things such marble runs and robots to help solve a problem. 
