Visual Arts 

A few highlights in 2022... 


Toa - I enjoyed playing with clay because it was soft which made me happy. I learned that I need to score and use slip so my clay creation doesn't fall apart. 


Joel - I enjoyed making items with clay because it was soft like playdough. I learned that I must use slip when joining pieces of clay together. 

Joseph, a proud sculptor
Abbas, a proud sculptor
Foundation students demonstrating pride and care when colouring their clay creation
Foundation students controlling the sphero using iPads to create a class masterpiece
Ivy and Jazelle with their Sketchbook creation, which they experimented using new tools
Nate, a proud sculptor
Olivia and Jasmyn experimenting using different tools on Sketchbook
Ivy, a proud sculptor
An, with her Sketchbook creation representing her culture
Joseph, a proud sculptor
Abbas, a proud sculptor
Foundation students demonstrating pride and care when colouring their clay creation
Foundation students controlling the sphero using iPads to create a class masterpiece
Ivy and Jazelle with their Sketchbook creation, which they experimented using new tools
Nate, a proud sculptor
Olivia and Jasmyn experimenting using different tools on Sketchbook
Ivy, a proud sculptor
An, with her Sketchbook creation representing her culture

Year 1

Onaya - My favourite part was using clay and learning how to make something with it. 

A skill I have learned is how to score.


Effikki - My favourite part was learning about clay and a skill I have learned is how to draw our past. 

Year 1 students experimenting using food products to create a landscape
Tianya and Anika at ArtVo
Year 1 students experimenting using food products to create a landscape
Tianya and Anika at ArtVo

Year 2

Ayush- I like sketchbook because I like to draw. I made a cup with clay using slip and score lines. 


Emma- I enjoyed using clay because I could make something I liked, such as an 'among us'. I learned that you must use slip, because when I did not my clay creation fell apart. 

Year 2 students using colours seen in landscapes.
Year 2 students using colours found in landscapes when painting their favourite place
Year 2 students using colours seen in landscapes.
Year 2 students using colours found in landscapes when painting their favourite place

Year 3

Lina- My favourite part was when I worked with a partner to draw how to express ourselves. I have learned new drawing skills and how to draw different patterns.


Lewis - My favourite part was learning about landscapes because we got to draw landscapes about different cultures. 

Year 3 students collaborating when exploring the relationship between pitch and duration with line
Year 3 students collaborating with the focus on the connection between landscapes and soundscapes
Year 3 student exploring the relationship between pitch and duration with line
Lachlan and Nadia at ArtVo
Year 3 students collaborating when exploring the relationship between pitch and duration with line
Year 3 students collaborating with the focus on the connection between landscapes and soundscapes
Year 3 student exploring the relationship between pitch and duration with line
Lachlan and Nadia at ArtVo

Year 4

Vienna - My favourite part of art this year was making 'soundlandscapes', because I got to paint Chinatown and I got to make a matching piece of music on Garageband. The skills I learned this year are how to blend colours and how to make watercolour artwork more detailed. 


Snehargha - My favourite part was when my group members and I created a wigglebot that made artwork, and was a combination of STEM and Visual Arts. I learned about the relationship between line with pitch and duration.

Josephine and Idaline using 'dark room' bags to remove photo paper from their pinhole camera to start the developing process
Lisa and Vienna at ArtVo
Phoenix and Lawry, making a pinhole camera to use to capture a photograph
Josephine and Idaline using 'dark room' bags to remove photo paper from their pinhole camera to start the developing process
Lisa and Vienna at ArtVo
Phoenix and Lawry, making a pinhole camera to use to capture a photograph

Year 5

Annabelle -  I loved the 'I am a Entrepreneur' project because it was so much fun making the item then selling it at the stall, I enjoyed buying other peoples creations too. 


Danny - I liked it when we designed the poster and logo for our ‘I am an Entrepreneur’ task. We were able to get very creative and used a range of techniques including digital painting apps. 

Ariana and Arwa with their fashion items
Kayla at ArtVo
Chi Hang, Shaun, Jeremy, Aaron with the suit shirt they made
Saba with the tote bag she made
Ariana and Arwa with their fashion items
Kayla at ArtVo
Chi Hang, Shaun, Jeremy, Aaron with the suit shirt they made
Saba with the tote bag she made

Year 6

Pranshi - Being this year's art captain was a thrill. Doing the speech and presenting was terrifying but I could not be happier. Working with Rochelle and Abdullah was amazing because I learned how to sew, be confident and synergise. Being art captain means stepping outside of your comfort zone and helping out. I loved being art captain, I recommend applying. 


Abdullah - Visual Arts was a great subject as we got to do many projects combined with other specialists. In Term 2 the Year 5 and 6 students created products and at the end of the term, we had a specialist fair where we got to sell our products. I had lots of fun creating our stress relief toy for my group. We created video advertisements as well as paper advertisements.  I think lots of people had fun on the topic 'I am an Entrepreneur'. I think this because we got to sell our products to raise funds for the school's JSC. 

Shourya and Brian with the light up basketball shirt they produced
Pranshi with the tote bag she made
Infinity and Oscar with the automatic roller shoe they produced with Albert.
Olyvia and Diya with the light up shirt they made
Shourya and Brian with the light up basketball shirt they produced
Pranshi with the tote bag she made
Infinity and Oscar with the automatic roller shoe they produced with Albert.
Olyvia and Diya with the light up shirt they made