Clay Club - 2022

They can squish it, poke it, punch it, roll it, pile it, mold it and shape it. Playing with clay is incredible for students’ development. Sensory skills are strengthened as they manipulate the material into different shapes, along with their eye/hand coordination and motor skills, both gross and fine. Working with clay can be therapeutic, as it is a positive way to express emotions, and relieve stress. Clay is an adaptable material, therefore mistakes can be repaired which allows students to feel free to experiment, which in turn allows opportunities for students to learn from their mistakes through a fun and safe process. 


“My favourite part of clay is I get to use different stuff to make shapes out of clay.” Norah 2K


“My favourite part is the feeling of clay in my hands and getting messy.” Kira 2K 


“I love what I make.” Charlie 1S

“I like making things with clay so I can put them around my house and I feel good when I see  them.” Dorothy 3JT


“Clay Club is actually great, it’s teaching me resilience.” Josh 3E


“Clay Club is fun because you get to make whatever you want!” Kai 3E