Digital Tech at BEPS

Micro-Bit Club

This year some of the Year 5 students took part in Micro-Bit Club. Micro-Bits are pocket-sized computers that the students can code different programs for. Students put on their engineer hats and exploring how they could use the Micro-Bits to solve problems in the school or invent new and innovative technologies.


What we do at Micro-Bit Club:

  • In Micro-Bit club we have been learning how to send messages to each other via Micro-Bit
  • We code and make things with the Micro-Bit. 
  • We have been working on Micro-Chat to make a system that allows us to communicate with Micro-Bits with the plans of being able to communicate with voices.

EV3 Club

Some students in Year 4 and 5 were part of the Expert EV3 Robotics club. They worked on creating a robot every Wednesday at lunchtime. They needed to build it with the Lego Mindstorm and then create a code, telling the robot what to do. The competition they were preparing for was soccer and the students needed to team up and create two robots for each team. The aim was to protect the goal and also chase the infrared ball around a makeshift soccer field. 

Three teams competed for Burwood East and all teams played at least five games. Each game consisted of two five minute halves, with each team swapping sides after each half. After both halves finish, the team with the most goals wins. To get a score the ball needs to hit the back of the goal.


All the students had a great time at the event and loved seeing their robots in action. Sometimes the robots worked really well and sometimes not so great due to technical issues. All in all it was a fantastic day and it was great to see all the hard work pay off.

RoboCup is a robotic event for young students. It is created in a true cooperative spirit and encourages vital STEM skills, extending right across the school curriculum. The competition addresses social development by encouraging sportsmanship, sharing, teamwork, understanding of differences between individuals, cooperation and organisational skills.

Well done to all the students that were part of the expert robotics: Anay, Abhishaey, Panda, Prabashitha, Divit, Akein, Khoi, Max, Joyce, Nicholas, Kavya, Sai and Naisha. 

Spike Club 

Students in Year 2 to 4 were invited to be a part of Lego Spike Club. They followed instructions to build, code and create a number of different creations on the Lego Spike app. The Spike Club students used problem solving skills to try to improve the designs of their creation and to make the code work better.