2K - If I had magic powers, I would...

Lucas - Spawn anything.


Presi - Fly and make everyone live forever.


Ananya - Make things that cannot talk, talk.

Rosie - Have a gecko on my shoulder that knows everything, doesn’t interrupt me and is camouflaged. 


George - Make myself understand, see and hear what animals can.


Ryan W - Be in the BTS gang.   

Pia - Make books into chicken schnitzels.


Adi - Make money rain from the sky.


Emilia - Make unhealthy food become healthy, but taste good.

Vivian - Make a unicorn fly. 


Emma - Turn an Eevee into a real person.


Kira - Make Eevee stuffies come to life.

Max G - Be a secret agent.


Max B - Teleport objects when I need them.


Tanesha - Make all Pokemon come to life.

Cyrus - Turn myself into ‘Super Sayan’ from Dragon Ball.


Norah - Have cotton candy clouds at Candyland.


Felix - Turn Pokemon into real life.

Khizar - Own 5 really fast cars.


Karen - Go back to the past to change things I didn’t like.


Charlotte - Be rich.

Teddy - Make Pokemon real.


Ivanka - Create a pet that can stay on my shoulder and talk.


Emily - Freeze things. 

Ibrahim - Make my classroom fly.


Ryan X - Make animals talk.


Melina - Make Pikachu come to life.