Mandarin 中文 zhōng wén

Live and Learn  活到老,学到老 huó dào lǎo,xué dào lǎo

Learning Mandarin follows a logical progression of stages that includes critical thinking and social interaction. Students act on their learning and reflect on it, revealing the dynamics of "learning how to learn." They solve problems related to what they encounter in real life by exploring topics in authentic contexts. Students make connections between the classroom and the larger world, which brings the content to life for them by allowing them to use their language skills outside of the classroom, motivating them to improve their Mandarin proficiency.  

What students have to say about their learning:

Emma - I asked April and my peers questions to further my learning.

Joshua - Sorting through the information allows me to make sense of the subject. 

Aaryan - We do it by working out the steps.

Kai - 'Finding out' in Mandarin classroom by reading information about a topic.

Sid - Doing the activities allows me to delve deeper into the skills. 

Miranda - 'Tuning in' allows me to prepare for the upcoming lesson.

Sanuthi - The enquiry method of learning allows me to analyse problems and determine solutions. It aided me in becoming a lifelong learner.

Gracelynn - We got to choose our own topic, and April gave us enough time to complete our work.

Hayley - When I don't understand something, April is always willing to assist me while also allowing me to make my own decision.

Kitty - We spent several weeks on the enquiry process, first brainstorming ideas, then conducting research, figuring out solutions, and finally presenting to our peers. The process allows us to gain a better understanding of the concepts.