Once upon a time in FJ...

Students in FJ have grown, created and been inspired by the many stories we have read over the year. FJ have created their own character, setting and story using their new knowledge and understanding of the structure of narrative writing.

That’s one small step for Age, but one giant leap onto Mars.- Age
Alice loves the beach so much. She loves going to the beach with her friend, Tom.- Alice
Once there was a fairy called Alisha. She had a big castle.- Alisha
Asher the pirate was finding the treasure.-Asher
Once a long, long time ago there was a battle that began…- Brandon
Once upon a time there was fairy. The fairy was beautiful……- Charlotte
Once upon a time, there was a little princess swimming in a swimming pool.-Dora
Wooho, Mario is coming! I’m the best plumber. Ahh! It’s a Piranha plant.-Hassan
Whoosh went the air passed my ears as I dropped towards the ocean.-Hesara
James was in his space suit but an asteroid came crashing into his spaceship. Luckily, a portal came and teleported the asteroid away just in time.- James
There was a robot. He was going to his home and saw his friend at his house.- Jervis
Captain Kai was searching for the lost treasure.-Kai
The new champion of the world in swimming is… LAYLA!- Layla
Once upon a time there was a queen in a distant space world.- Mia
Princess Olivia was staring out from her tall tower into her kingdom, when suddenly…- Olivia
There once was a magical fairy called Pia.-Pia
The dragon approached the ancient temple, breathing fire!- Ryan
What’s that up in the sky? It’s super Ryland!-Ryland
Gah! I got sucked into the island! Silly video game! I need to get food and find shade with leaves. How could I get back?- Stephen
I am a mermaid because it is fun!-Tauriel
In a far distant land, lived the most kind, brave and wonderful princess. Her name was Princess Tina.- Tina
It was a normal beach day for Xavier, when suddenly…-Xavier
One day a princess was in her beautiful castle. Her name was Zoey.- Zoey
That’s one small step for Age, but one giant leap onto Mars.- Age
Alice loves the beach so much. She loves going to the beach with her friend, Tom.- Alice
Once there was a fairy called Alisha. She had a big castle.- Alisha
Asher the pirate was finding the treasure.-Asher
Once a long, long time ago there was a battle that began…- Brandon
Once upon a time there was fairy. The fairy was beautiful……- Charlotte
Once upon a time, there was a little princess swimming in a swimming pool.-Dora
Wooho, Mario is coming! I’m the best plumber. Ahh! It’s a Piranha plant.-Hassan
Whoosh went the air passed my ears as I dropped towards the ocean.-Hesara
James was in his space suit but an asteroid came crashing into his spaceship. Luckily, a portal came and teleported the asteroid away just in time.- James
There was a robot. He was going to his home and saw his friend at his house.- Jervis
Captain Kai was searching for the lost treasure.-Kai
The new champion of the world in swimming is… LAYLA!- Layla
Once upon a time there was a queen in a distant space world.- Mia
Princess Olivia was staring out from her tall tower into her kingdom, when suddenly…- Olivia
There once was a magical fairy called Pia.-Pia
The dragon approached the ancient temple, breathing fire!- Ryan
What’s that up in the sky? It’s super Ryland!-Ryland
Gah! I got sucked into the island! Silly video game! I need to get food and find shade with leaves. How could I get back?- Stephen
I am a mermaid because it is fun!-Tauriel
In a far distant land, lived the most kind, brave and wonderful princess. Her name was Princess Tina.- Tina
It was a normal beach day for Xavier, when suddenly…-Xavier
One day a princess was in her beautiful castle. Her name was Zoey.- Zoey
In the Star Wars ship, Jedi Steve prepared to battle the Clones.-Steve
In the Star Wars ship, Jedi Steve prepared to battle the Clones.-Steve