2022 Student Leaders

School Leaders

We really enjoyed being the school captains of 2022. Being the school captains of this school was extremely fun, rewarding and, at times, a little bit stressful. We had the opportunity of organising and speaking at assembly on stage in front of the school or in the classroom in front of a camera. There was a lot to organise which made assembly at times exhausting, but so much fun in the end. 


In Term 3, we had the fortune of meeting the Minister of Education, Natalie Hutchins and showing her around our school. We showed her our specialist classrooms and entered the building site to do a Sod Turn Ceremony, which is when the first sod turn of earth is displaced to make way for construction of the new building to commence.

“I thought organising assemblies would be quite complicated but after a year of doing it, we got used to collecting the student of the week awards. I remember the first assembly, we were very disorganised!” - Naomi


“My favourite part was when we contributed to the sod turn and dug out the soil.” - Saesh

Red House Leaders 

Being a Red House Leader was a thrilling experience where we got to present at assemblies and complete jobs. The jobs were cycled every term, it included: raising the flags, putting the sports padding away, feeding the turtles and fish and locking/unlocking the hall and toilet gates. We recommend trying out for house captain as it will teach you responsibility and how to enjoy it. When we both got elected as House Captains, it really did come to our minds that it was going to be super easy.  Turns out that none of the roles are easy, but no matter what, you tend to enjoy them and become an important part of the school. 

My favourite part of being in this role was raising the flags in term one. That was our starting point. - Divit


My favourite part of being House Captain was feeding the turtles and fish. - Pele

Green House Leaders

Being a Green House leader requires a lot of self control. Each morning, you need to do your job. Being a house captain has its pros and cons. Sometimes, you need to miss play time to do your job. But other times, you get the pleasure of the responsibility of feeding the school pets. Some people like the responsibility, but others might not. I quite enjoy the challenge of being Green House Captain, and I am pretty sure Liam did too.  - Albert 

I really enjoyed being green house captain I got to feed the turtles, put up the flag, open the gates and put up the padding. We had to get to school early at 8:45 to do our job so a lot of the time we had to do it with a friend and not the other Green House Captain. It gives you responsibility to do your job and can teach you things as well like how to feed the turtles and how to put up the flag. I really enjoyed being Green House Captain with Albert. - Liam


Yellow House Leaders 

Being Yellow House Leader was a pleasure to be chosen for and we both can take lots of information and experience from it. We learnt that there is a lot of responsibility and hard work for being a captain and we think those skills could really help us in the future because we are moving to high school. 

My favourite thing as a house captain was taking responsibility for all of the jobs, especially the turtles and the gates. - Prisha 


My favourite job or thing was either feeding the turtles and going into the turtle cage or learning to put up and take down the flag. - Matt

Blue House Leaders 

Being a Blue House Captain came with lots of responsibilities that we had to uphold. The overall experience of being a captain was fun and rewarding. Kitty's favourite moment was when Blue House won the House Athletics, it was exhilarating. Being a captain gave us so many opportunities and experiences, and definitely prepared us for the toil and work of high school. We will miss the job very much and it was a very enjoyable year.



I loved seeing our house work together and winning the 2022 athletics carnival. The job I enjoyed most was feeding the turtles and fish. - Christina


I just felt amazing that Blue House (finally) won athletics this year and my favourite job was feeding the turtles. I definitely learned a lot of responsibility. - Kitty 

Sports Leaders

During my role as the sports captain, I helped out with sports events and Foundation students on their first day at BEPS and Year 3 and 4 PE on Specialist day. I have enjoyed working with other students to help with sports classes and seeing kids play different sports everyday with Tom. I have learned that I can share everything with others to play sports they don’t like doing but they can try. Thank you for supporting me in this role and making me feel welcome in this role. I hope the next sports captain enjoys doing this role. - Ashlyn 

I am the Sport Captain for 2022. During the year, I have assisted with organising sports events, helped place the bins around the school and put the sports padding around the basketball poles. I enjoyed being one of the first to know about sports events and loved presenting the Student of the Week and the house points at assemblies. I learnt about time management because I needed to complete my roles in a timely manner. I just want to thank everybody who has helped me along the way and the people that are helping me right now. - Brian

Visual Arts Leaders

Hello, I am a Visual Arts captain in 2022. We used our time to plan activities for the school and work closely with Rochelle in the art room. Some jobs we completed were: sorting the store room and helping Rochelle with sorting the portfolios. The most enjoyable thing to complete was planning with the specialist team, there was such an enormous variety of topics to choose from! From being a leader, I learnt that there are many responsibilities, lots of stress, and catching up with jobs. I would really like to thank Rochelle for being such a kind and nice Visual Arts Teacher, I will remember her for years to come. I would also like to thank my grade 6 teachers Adam and Beth, for supporting me. - Abdullah 

Being an Art Captain has been the best experience I could ever ask for. We got to do so many things, learn new skills and do fun projects. Being an Art Captain can make you more confident and make you step outside your comfort zone. I personally think that it’s a great experience. My favourite part was doing fun little projects, making new friends and being able to assist kids. Thank you Rochelle.- Pranshi

Performing Arts Leaders

Hi, I was the Performing Arts captain for 2022. I enjoyed being the Performing Arts Captain because we got to perform, talk at and set up assemblies. I learnt that being a leader means you have to be engaged in that part and be a clear headed role model.-Diya

I am the Performing Arts Captain this year and I got to perform many times at assembly and in both the Latin and Rock Band. The best thing is that I think I will became famous now. My sister once came to me and said that someone recognised her as the sister of the Performing Arts Captain. The last thing is that I can participate in a lot of musical events that the school has created and feel glad to be in them. - Evan

Languages Leaders 

As a Languages Captain, I understand that even though we all hold different positions and roles, the responsibilities that we carry are the same. During this year of being the Languages captain, I gained a lot of valuable knowledge and essential values, also the opportunities to organise activities in the Specialist Fair, help out with April and interview students for class advice. There are numerous memorable moments I experienced throughout 2022 and will never forget. - Esha

I am the Languages Captain this year.  During my role, I have had the chance to perform and speak at assembly. I also participated in calligraphy writing with April. The best thing is I can be a leader and help April with special projects and festivals.  - Kevin

STEM Leaders

 My leadership role was being the STEM captain. I helped the school by making the BEPS news show. The thing that I enjoyed the most about being the STEM captain was helping the STEM teacher sort out things in the STEM room. I learnt that being a leader does not mean I wear a badge and show it off to people, but it means that I am a role model for the school and that I have to be very responsible. In the future, I wish to be a computer engineer or do something related to computer science where my STEM leadership skills may help. I would like to thank anyone who has helped me throughout my journey of being a captain. - Winnie


I was the 2022 STEM leader, along with Winnie. This year, we did a lot of jobs for the STEM teacher Mick, including sorting lego pieces and cleaning beakers. I really enjoyed doing different jobs, they were interesting and, in a way, engaging to me. I learnt about many types of robotics and coding. Thank you Mick, for all the guidance and support you gave us this year! - Stella


Inquiry Investigations Leaders

This year I had the opportunity to be the Inquiry Captain for BEPS and I thoroughly enjoyed helping teachers and students organise new and exciting activities to do in Inquiry Investigations. Through my role as the Inquiry Leader, I helped decorate the Inquiry board next to the library, and surveyed students across all year levels about what they wanted to learn in the subject Inquiry. Something that I enjoyed in my time as the Inquiry Captain was adding and pinning up photos and pieces of work to the Inquiry display board. I would like to thank Darren, Terri and Andrew for giving me the opportunity to be BEPS’s Inquiry captain this year and of course all of the teachers and staff that provided me with assistance while I did my job. - Ananya 

During my role, as the Inquiry Captain, I was tasked with taking notes and photos of the students doing inquiry work to showcase the amazing work being completed and answering the big questions. I have learnt that some students are very passionate about learning and I enjoyed taking pictures of students. - Abhi

Community Leaders

I was given the opportunity to be Community Captain for 2022. I really appreciated being given the chance to help around the BEPS community using all the values and habits.  As one of the community captains, I was given the task of changing the sign weekly, doing the acknowledgement of the country at assembly, and organising community events. Organising a meet and greet with Neil Angus (the MP of the Forest Hill electorate) was one of my most memorable highlights. Two skills of mine that improved immensely while completing tasks as a captain was my confidence and interpersonal skills. At the start, saying the acknowledgement of the country was a bit nerve racking but as the weeks flew by it became quite natural and fun. I enjoyed interacting with all the members of the school community. I especially enjoyed all the conversations we would have with Darren, Andrew, and Teri, when we were sent to get a message for the board. I look forward to using all these skills, values and habits in my high school journey. As the year and my time as a Community Captain comes to a close, there are many people I would like to thank- Darren, Andrew, Teri, Beth, Adam  and of course the whole BEPS community, for all your help and guidance over the year, all those words of wisdom were certainly treasured. - Elyann


My role as Community Captain benefited me a lot by helping my social skills with adults and other people. I personally liked when we invited Neil Angus to Burwood East Primary School, as it was extremely fun to plan the process and lots of people learnt the process of the Australian Parliament. I also enjoyed saying the Acknowledgement to Country at assemblies and school events. - Olyvia 

Eco Leaders 

As the Eco Captain, my job is to take care of the nude food posters, tell everyone who won nude food for the term and to take out the compost. Some things I enjoyed are taking out the compost and announcing the term nude food winners. We learned how to take out compost from this job. Thank you to Marseal for helping us do our speeches. -Aarna

Throughout the beginning of the year and the closing end, I have enjoyed being able to help my surroundings as one of the Eco-Captains of 2022. It was an honour to stimulate students to bring nude-food, pick up rubbish whenever possible and make a positive impact on the environment. I hope that the following Eco-Captains continue to encourage others and themselves to do the right thing; save the planet. - Ahana