Principal's Message 

Interschool Sports

Since our last newsletter, the Year 4 -  6 students have started interschool sports, competing against Hawker Park, Glendale, Halidon and Goollelal Primary Schools. The students been playing netball, coached by Mrs Rogers, AFL, coached by Mr Cutting or Soccer, coached by Mrs Brown and Mr Troiani. They have played two games so far, with one more to follow this Friday and on Wednesday, 29 June will head to Halidon for the interschool carnival (round-robin style) tournament). It has been wonderful to see the students represent our school with great pride and we have seen many examples of caring for others both on their team and with their opponents. Well done to all involved.


Explicit Direct Instruction

At the recent staff development day, our teachers spent time focussing on Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI), which we have been implementing since the beginning of the year. Staff are currently focussing on revising previously taught concepts on a daily basis, to ensure students retain past concepts and can use them moving forward. This is based on research and evidence and we are excited to see a positive impact on student outcomes already.


Mr Malanczak's Retirement

As you know, Mr Volodomyr Malanczak retired at the beginning of this year, having taken leave for the second half of last year. Mr Malanczak was in the role of Deputy Principal for 12 years, and has worked to educate and support students across the state for over 30 years. On Friday, 5 August we look forward to hosting a retirement function for him at the school, which parents will be invited to, however this is an adult only event. We will send out more information on this closer to the date.


Congratulations, Mr Cutting

I am pleased to inform you that Mr Brett Cutting has won the permanent Deputy Principal position. Brett has been working hard in the role of Deputy Principal in Wally's absence over the past year and we're very happy to have him continue to support our staff and students in this role on a permanent basis - congratulations, Brett!


Modified Reports 

As mentioned in the previous newsletter, student reports will look different this semester. This is because of a combination of staff and student absences throughout the term. This semester most students will receive grades as normal, however, the comments for English and Maths will be the same for all students in that year level, outlining what has been taught in the class. General comments will be written, but will be shorter than usual and we will not be reporting on attendance. Reports will be emailed out on Wednesday, 29 June, which is a little later than usual. If you have any questions after reading your child's report, please send their teacher a message on Dojo to arrange a meeting, which may need to be in Term Three. We look forward to getting back to providing more in-depth reports at the end of the year. 


Adrian Keenan
