Principal's Report

It’s a pleasure to be acting in the Principal role for David Reynolds in light of his recent secondment and long service leave for Term 3. 


Last week we acknowledged National Reconciliation Week after National Sorry Day in classes and around the school through displays and space to reflect. At this time we stop to remember and acknowledge the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities, which we now know as ‘The Stolen Generations’. National Sorry Day is a day to acknowledge the strength of Stolen Generations Survivors and reflect on how we can all share in the healing process. The dates for NRW are the same each year; 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.


It is important that we all know about and talk about these dates in our calendar with our young people, taking responsibility for the healing process for our nation. 

Out Term 2 Class Reviews have continued from Year 7-12 with many students participating in the giving and receiving of feedback with their teachers. More is to be shared on Class Reviews and the impact of student voice and agency in our next newsletter. 


Last week Principal’s assemblies that were held for Year 7 to Year 10 students after a number of students made choices to behave in a way that was unsafe in our school yard. Students were reminded about our zero-tolerance to violence or discrimination. Not behaving in a way that is violent or discriminatory is a choice that every person is responsible for in every situation. It is important that our students understand that they have choice and agency, and with this choice comes the responsibility to behave in a way that is safe and inclusive. Behaviour that is violent, aggressive, or discriminatory will not be tolerated by any member of our community. Parents and carers can support our young people by always modelling behaviour that aligns with our school values, supporting students to report instances of unkind language or behaviour, and monitoring their child’s access to social media closely. 


Whatever your talent, pursue it under the new VCE. From next year, the VCE will include the VCE Vocational Major replacing VCAL. Many Talents One VCE. We are excited to be preparing for the implementation of the new VCE Reforms in 2023. These will support the choices our current Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 students as they continue their journey towards completion of their Victorian Certificate of Education. Learn More: #oneVCE #manytalents 


A reminder that our mobile phone policy states that students must store their phones in their lockers from first bell to last bell. Students are not permitted to access their phones during the school day, including to contact their parents and carers. If you need to contact your child during the school day, please contact the office on 9743 3322. Thank you for supporting us in maintaining consistent messages to young people about this policy. 


As we move into the colder months of the school year, I ask that all families audit student uniform, ensuring that they have adequate clothing and are not wearing non-uniform items to school. These include hoodies, and beanies and scarves that are not MSC branded.