Term 2, 2022 

Visual Art 

The Term 2 Unit of Inquiry is called 'Different Cultures of The World' which integrated with the Transdisciplinary theme- 'Where we are in place and time'. The Unit focuses on how different cultures express traditional values, celebrations and way of life. Cultural traditions are shared through storytelling, dance, music and art.   


Students Create

  • A weaving inspired by abstract African fabric that experiments with the beginnings of weaving techniques and applies colourful pattern detail within the woven areas.  
  • Cherry Blossom trees inspired by the Japanese Blossom Festival, ‘Hanami’ -A fun experiment with ink blowing and collage.  
  • A ceramic pinch pot, in the style of an Aboriginal basket and decorated using traditional designs. Demonstrating modelling skills and the effective use of clay tools to apply patterns. 
  • An African necklace inspired by the Samburu Tribe. They designed and constructed a cardboard neck piece capturing pattern and collage detail. 
  • A still life drawing of their African Necklace using 2B pencils and poster paint to capture an expressive likeness incorporating drawing skill and painted detail. 

Language (Japanese) 

Term focus

Numbers (1-10) and KANJI characters, introducing myself, colours, shapes and  origami paper folding 


Students will be able to 

  • Count 1-10 in Japanese
  • Spell 1-10 in KANJI characters
  • Introduce myself. (say My name is…/ What is your name?) 
  • Spell “My name is…” and “What is your name?” in HIRAGANA and KATAKANA    characters
  • Say basic colours (red, blue, green and yellow) in Japanese
  • Spell the colours in HIRAGANA characters
  • Say basic shapes (circle, triangle, square) in Japanese
  • Spell the shapes in HIRAGANA characters 
  • Tell what ORIGAMI is
  • Make an ORIGAMI dog/cat


How We Express Ourselves 


This term the students are focusing on the four instrument families. They will use their senses to explore different instruments and how sound is made. They will also listen to songs for the word of the week, and focus on the correct use of classroom instruments. 



Students will 

  • Learn that the sound of an instrument depends on what it’s made of, how it is played and its size 
  • Develop a deeper understanding of how instruments work, by creating their own simple version 
  • Sing fun songs related to instruments and the word of the week 
  • Continue to become familiar with the musical elements of Beat, Pitch, Dynamics and Tempo 
  • Participate in science experiments to inquire about sound and the sense of hearing 
  • Explore what changes can be made to an instrument to alter its sound 
  • Inquire how we express ourselves through music by playing, singing and dancing 
  • Consider how change and connection apply to instruments through questions such as: What function does the vibrating parts of instruments have, and how are each of the instrument families different? How are sounds changed on each instrument? How do I hear sounds? How does sound travel? How can we play an instrument in a new way? How do we create sounds together that express the same mood? 
  • Learn to appreciate the ideas and skills of other in the class by listening respectfully 
  • Reflect on the music made together 

Physical Education  

The term two unit we are focusing on is “How we express ourselves”  


Focus:  Developing the Fundamental Motor Skills of running, jumping, dodging, tracking objects and catching. The children will practise these skills individually and learn to apply them to activities and games.  


Gymnastics:  The children will explore movement on various levels (high, medium, low) and to different tempos of music. They will experience and demonstrate a variety of balances and shapes individually and in groups using their bodies. They will do this with and without equipment. They will be introduced to a variety of simple rolling techniques.   


Concepts:  Responsibility - being responsible for looking after equipment and themselves.  


Learner Profile

Risk-taker and open-minded  

  • Exploring different ways to move the body and rotate whilst in flight. 
  • Challenging themselves to attempt all activities and being open to trying more than once. 
  • Helping others by watching and padding when needed especially when doing gymnastics activities. 



All students are encouraged to borrow books from the Library. The focus is on reading for enjoyment, interest and information. The children also have the opportunity to practise their borrowing skills and further their love of reading. The Library program also supports and extends the units of inquiry being studied in each year level and provides classrooms with resources to enrich the units offering varied forms of information