Important Dates

- Monday 1st to Friday 19th August
- The Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI) has been an important part of school education in Victoria since 2021. Tens of thousands of students across Victoria are participating in the initiative. This letter is to inform you about a short online survey we are asking 2022 TLI-participating students (past and current) to undertake. This will help us understand how the initiative is working and how it might be improved.
- Thursday 11th August
- Professional Practice Day, student-free
- Monday 15th August
- School Council
- Monday 22nd August
- Parent, Student & Teacher Interview bookings open
- Friday 26th August
- Wear it Purple Day
- Monday 5th September
- 4Cs Performance at Bunjil Place
- Tuesday 6th September
- Parent, Student & Teacher Interview bookings close
- Wednesday 7th September
- Parent, Student & Teacher Interview
- Monday 12th September
- 4Cs Performance at Bunjil Place
- Thursday 15th September
- Last day of term 3, 2:30 finish
- Friday 16th September
- Curriculum Day, student-free