
Shade Sails &  Gymnasium Floor

Shade Sails





We are very pleased to report that on thursday 19th may 2022, our school shade sails project was completed.


We now have two new sails adorning the Year 7 area, together with the picnic tables, artificial turf and the advanced tree planter boxes, the area is shaping up to become our new outdoor learning space. However, we might just have to wait for the days to become a little warmer before we see classes being held outside.


We thank the Victorian School Building Authority for funding $25,000.00 towards the project.





Ruth Barnes

Facilities Manager



Gymnasium Floor

In the holidays the gymnasium floor was resurfaced.  This has provided us with a fantastic, shiny new gym floor for our students to enjoy Physical Education classes and lunchtime activities.


Community Basketball and Dance classes  also hire the facilities and welcome the new and  improved sporting surface.



Michelle Lemire

Middle Sub-School Coordinator