Years F/1

In Maths, we have been focusing on practising our speedy number facts with lots of card and board games. The Year 1s are learning about subtraction with a focus on counting back and using number lines. The Foundation students are using teddies, kangaroos and dinosaurs to practise adding small groups together.


In English, the Foundation students are learning the new sounds - d, f, v and e. They have practising writing these new letters, reading small words and writing sentences. We have had lots of terrific home reading this week and congratulations to Rocco as he has read 25 nights at home. The Year 1s are learning the /oe/ sound and five different ways they can spell this sound -'o' as in no, 'ow' as in grow, 'oe' as in Joe, 'oa' as in boat and 'o_e' as in bone.  We have been reading, writing and using these sounds in dictation to practise. In Writing, the students are writing narrative stories. Hunter, Sienna and Ivy have started their own story using a prompt, "I was walking in the woods and I heard ....". We look forward to sharing these stories in next weeks newsletter.