Boarding News

Mrs. Kathryn Searle - Head of Boarding

National Boarding Week

Boarding is a unique experience and one that creates unforgettable memories and lifelong friendships.


This week we have been celebrating National Boarding Week both in the Boarding House and within the wider school community.  This is some of the activities we have been up to:


Day One

A sweet start to National Boarding Week 2022! 

Dr. Cousins dropped off some home baking for the boarders’ afternoon tea - Cinnamon Roll Cake and Gluten-Free Cherry Cake.

Day Two

Thank you to our Year 6, 7, 8 and 9 students who presented ‘Where I Am From.’

At dinner time we were joined by Mr. and Mrs. D and Ziggy, and Ms. Wood.  

Day Three

Day three was a big day for our girls. We celebrated all our cultures here at Clayfield College at the annual Harmony Day Assembly.  Well done to everyone who embraced their heritage by wearing their traditional clothing.

Day Four

Our Boarding Captains, Izza and Ella, organised a Boarding Trivia Night full of fun and laughter!


Thank you Dr. Cousins and Nurse Fiona for joining us for dinner.

Day 5

Parents Day.  Thank you to our wonderful boarding parents and carers for your support of Clayfield Boarding.   Tonight our Year 10, 11 and 12 students will present ‘Where I Come From’.


Our Boarding Captains prepared a video which was submitted to The Australian Boarding Schools Association for the National Boarding Week Facebook Video Competition.  We need your likes!  The competition closes on Monday 23 May at 5:00 pm.  Please like the video at by using the below button.

What’s Happening this Weekend

This is the current plan in place for this weekend (which is all subject to weather conditions):

Friday 20 May

QGSSSA Autumn Fixtures

Football and Touch Football v Somerville House (away)

3:30 pm to 6:00 pm


Reds Rugby, Suncorp Stadium

7:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Saturday 21 May

Shopping outing to Pacific Fair, Gold Coast

9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Sunday 22 May

Southbank outing

10:00 am to 1:00 pm


Henderson and Radcliffe House Chapel Service

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Regional Tours

The next few months are quite busy with our regional tours. If any of our families are around on these dates, feel free to come say hello.

2 to 3 June - Townsville and Charters Towers
10 June - Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association (ICPA) State Conference in Blackall with Dr. Cousins
23 to 25 June - Ag-Grow in Emerald 

End of Term Arrangements

Please continue to send in the forms for End of Term Arrangements and Holiday Homestay Requests so we can organise requirements for your daughter.


A reminder the school term finishes on Thursday 16 June at 3:10 pm.  If your daughter is departing prior to this time, please seek School approval from Mr. Desmarchelier (Years 7, 8 and 12) or Ms. Mills (Years 9, 10 and 11).