Sports News

Ms. Christine Barnes - Head of Health, Wellness and Sport 

Ms. Peta Richardson - Andrews Cup and Carnival Coordinator

Mr. Jon Woods - Britton Shield Coordinator

Primary Sport - Andrews Cup

Andrews Cup Cross Country

Years 2 to 6


Congratulations to the following girls who have been selected to represent Clayfield College at the upcoming AC Cross Country competition on Tuesday 31 May:

8 years

9 years

10 years

11 years

12 years

Pippa Cummins

Scarlett McDonnell

Harriet Slaughter

Harriet Slaughter

Harriette KP

Lia Lee

Zoe Peters

Zara Sinha

Mila Patterson

Emily Blake

Alegria Heinemann

Sophie O’Kelly

Samreen Samnani

Sari Weyer

Stella Fitzhenry

Lyla Hong

Vera Chung

Mia Palmer

Mackenzie Tull

Laura McPherson

Neve Mc Bride

Eliza Collin

Aria Sos

Nanako Yasui

If your child is not on this list and they would like to be, please email Mrs. Richardson for consideration as soon as possible.


Could all runners please ensure that you have a No’7 singlet and a Clayfield College Representative collared shirt. Both of these ítems can be purchased from the Uniform Shop. Participating runners will receive an email with further detailed information about the event.


Cross Country training times remain:

Monday                  6:45 am - 8:00 am                   College Oval
Wednesday           6:45 am - 8:00 am                   College Oval
Friday                      6:45 am - 8:00 am                   College Oval


Andrews Cup Netball 

Years 4 to 6


Training continues next week on Wednesday afternoon from 3:30 pm-5:00 pm. 


In order to keep our players safe, no jewellery is to be worn, and this includes watches. Earrings must be removed or taped before the session, and fingernails must be no longer than the tips of the fingers.

Please remember- Students who are not collected from the Courts at the conclusion of training will be escorted to Circular Drive. 


If you are unable to collect your child after training at 5:00 pm, please book them into the Outside Hours Care Service (OHCS).  Students not collected from the courts or from Circular Drive at 5:00 pm will be escorted to OSHC (this will be at the centre cost of $53.50). OSHC closes at 6:30 pm.


Please note- For safety reasons, students are not permitted to walk to Bayview Terrace for pick-up.  Please contact Mrs. Richardson if your child is unwell and unable to attend training.


Andrews Cup Football (Soccer) 

Years 4 to 6


Training for all team members continues next week on

Tuesday morning                  6:45 am - 8:00 am              College Oval
Thursday afternoon             3:30 pm - 4:30 pm               College Oval

The Andrews Cup Football Carnival is scheduled for Tuesday 7 May and further information about the carnival will be communicated next week.


Please contact Mrs. Richardson if your child is unwell and unable to attend training.


A friendly reminder: Students not collected from the oval or from Circular Drive at 4:30 pm will be escorted to Homework Club in the LRC (top floor). Homework Club finishes at 5:00 pm and students will need to be signed out by their parent/caregiver. For safety reasons students are not permitted to walk to Bayview Terrace for pick-up. 


Andrews Cup Swimming

Years 2 to 6

Training continues on Friday afternoon from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm. We would love as many swimmers as possible to join these sessions to maintain their fitness.

Primary Sport - Britton Shield 

Britton Shield Cross Country



Please note the Britton Shield Cross Country on Friday 20 May has been cancelled.  Ipswich City Council has advised the fields at Limestone Park are closed due to the weather.  The Cross Country will be rescheduled and we will provide further information shortly. 


Britton Shield Football (Soccer)

Britton Shield Soccer training has started. Training is on the following dates for primary schoolboys:

Friday 20 May               No training due to Cross Country
Monday 23 May           3:30 pm - 4:30 pm           (College Oval) Years 4 to 6
Friday 27 May               12:20 pm - 1:20 pm         (College Oval) Years 2 to 6
Monday 30 May           3:30 pm - 4:30 pm           (College Oval) Years 4 to 6


Students are to wear their Clayfield College PE uniform to all training sessions and bring a named water bottle. On Fridays, they are to also bring fruit and/or jelly in their lunch box which they can eat during a designated break time in training. Time will be set aside after the training session to eat the remainder of their lunch. On Mondays, can Years 4 to 6 parents please ensure that they arrange to pick up their child from Circular Drive at 4:30 pm and NOT Bayview Terrace.


The competition date for Britton Shield Soccer is Friday 3 June.


Semester 2 Britton Shield Sport

Next Semester, Cricket and AFL will be on offer. Additional details will be provided once confirmed. 

Secondary Sports

QGSSSA Cross Country

The QGSSSA Cross Country Championships have been rescheduled to Saturday 4 June at John Paul College - Cec Munns Sports Centre. This delay gives our squad another three weeks to prepare for the event. All students in the current squad and any students who were not able to compete in the original event due to injury or illness are encouraged to attend as many training sessions as possible prior to this new date. 


So many of our students have gained significant improvements already in their running fitness and overall time, we would love to see these results continue to improve.  


The Cross Country training schedule will continue every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning for the next two weeks with Friday 3 June being the new date for the compulsory team breakfast and team presentations.


Student spectators

As is traditional, each year level is assigned a Big 3 QGSSSA championship to attend, for Year 11 it is the Cross-country championships.  All Year 11 students who are not part of the team are expected to attend and support our girls, along with any other students who wish to attend. Full details of the rescheduled event for spectators will also be released in the coming week as it comes to hand. 


Students from other year levels may also attend as spectators, please just ensure your childs is on the supporter's list located on the Croc Board by Thursday 2 June. Please see the below letter for full event details.

Autumn Fixtures – Football and Touch

Our Touch and Football girls have a very busy last week of the season, with a number of teams playing two fixture games in the final week. 


This week we are scheduled to play the away round against Somerville House, and we finish off next week with rescheduled games early in the week against St Aidan’s and our final scheduled round against BSHS. This final round is also a new QGSSSA initiative round – The Indigenous round, as such there will be cultural presentations, face painting and a BBQ at each of the venues.


Volunteers required

If there are any parents who can assist with the cooking of the BBQ at either Touch – Shaw Park, or Football – Fursden Road fields, please email to volunteer. It would be great to get 2 – 3 parents at each venue.


Please see the College app for the full training and fixtures schedule for Week 6. Can we please ask that students continue to commit to training and games for the Autumn fixtures over the trials and pre-season time.  If any students need to miss trials due to current sporting commitments, please email the sports department. 

Winter Sports – Pre-season Training

Trials have been held in each of the winter sports and now Pre-season training will commence in Week 6 for Tennis, Netball and Volleyball and Hockey. A full training schedule for Week 6 will be available on the College app from Friday lunch and this will be the schedule for the remainder of the term. Any girls who still want to sign-up or swap their sport of choice should contact the Sports Department ASAP. After this coming week, teams need to be nominated with QG and as such, team lists will be finalised this week at training. 


We ask that all students who sign-up and have been selected into a team ensure that they can commit to the requirements of the sport. For the College to be competitive, we need ALL girls to attend all training sessions and games.

Winter Sports Camp

During the final week of Term 2, the College will once again aim to host a Sports Camp aimed at all winter fixture sports and Athletics. A draft itinerary can be found below.


All girls involved in winter fixtures and athletics are encouraged to attend. The camp caters for 50 – 65 girls and a minimum of 50 must attend for the camp to go ahead. Please ensure you book your daughter's place before Wednesday 1 June. 


Date:    Thursday 16 to Saturday 18 June

Location:  Gold Coast Performance Centre, Runaway Bay

Cost:     Approx $230

Volleyball Academy

Monday’s 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Any students who are interested in joining the Volleyball Academy, please read the attached information and application form and return to Ms. Barnes in Room 1 of the Sports Office. All sessions occur in the College PE centre.

Sports Awards Dinner 

16 November 2022 – Date Claimer

The College has confirmed Cloudland, the Rose Room as the venue for this year's Sports Awards Dinner. The cost will be around $75 per person for a two-course sit-down meal with cake for dessert. Further details will be released closer to the date.

Clayfield College Tennis Program

Other than running our Andrews Cup and QGSSSA Tennis programs, Lifetime Tennis also offers personal tennis coaching, squads and hotshots. If you would like to find out more and enrol your child into tennis, please see the below tennis program flyer. 

Friends of Sport Group

The next Friends of Sport Group meeting is this coming Thursday and the group is encouraging willing and active parents to come along to meet and assist with initiatives that support sport within the College.  The full schedule for meetings is listed below, and these meetings are for anyone interested in supporting the endeavours of the College’s Sports Department. Your assistance will support Britton Shield, Andrews Cup and QGSSSA sports within the College. Meetings are generally held in the College Boardroom. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Mr John Robbins

  • Thursday 26 May 6:30 pm 
  • Thursday 21 July 6:30 pm 
  • Thursday 11 August 6:30 pm
  • Thursday 8 September 6:30 pm 
  • Thursday 13 October 6:30 pm 
  • Thursday 27 October 6:30 pm

Sport Vacancies at Clayfield

Clayfield College Casual Referees/Umpires (Netball and Volleyball)

We are seeking experienced and qualified casual referees/umpires for our Saturday morning fixtures throughout Term 3 for Netball 1 – 2 games per week and Volleyball 1 – 3 games per week. The games will take place on Saturday mornings from Saturday 15 July – Saturday 10 October.



The ability to help us deliver a fun, safe and fair environment for students to play sport, possess solid refereeing and/or umpiring experience or accreditation, ideally in a school or junior sports program, ability to provide evidence of COVID-19 vaccination or proof or a valid medical exemption and must possess a current, valid Blue Card or the ability to obtain one



Will be negotiated dependent on qualifications and experience. 


Keen to know more?

Please contact Christine Barnes Head of Health, Wellness and Sport on or on 32620289

Regional Selection Trial Notices 

Term 2

Mon 30 May: Rugby union 14-15 boys

Tues 31 May: Rugby union 11-12

Thurs 2 June: Football 13-16 boys, Football 17-19 boys

Tues 7 June: Basketball 13-15 boys & girls

Tues 14 June: Tennis 10-12 boys & girls


Term 3

Tues 19 July: Rugby league 11-12 girls

Wed 20 July: Softball 10-12 boys & girls

Wed 24 August: Track and field 10-19 years boys & girls

Mon 29 August: Cricket 13-15 girls

Tues 30 August: Cricket 13-15 boys

Wed 31 August: Cricket 10-12 boys 

Thurs 1 September: Cricket 10-12 girls

Tues 13 September: Futsal 13-14 boys & girls


Any students interested in taking part in any of these trials please contact Mrs. Rebecca Clydesdale in the CC Sports Office to nominate and get further information and the forms to attend either the district or regional trials.

New Sporting Opportunity

Bowls Queensland’s Secondary Schools Cup will be played across QLD in 2022, with winners advancing through their local school and bowls club to a District playoff. District winners advance to a State Finals on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 August 2022 at Club Pine Rivers in Brisbane. Please see the flyer below and contact Ms. Barnes if you are interested and want to find out more information.