Primary News

Mrs. Vivienne Corness - Assistant Head of Primary

Scholastic Book Fair  

Thank you to all families who supported our Scholastic Book Fair. It was a great success and we are now able to purchase more wonderful resources for our Library!

Tangalooma Island Resort Discount

Our Year 6 EcoMarines enjoyed a wonderful day at Tangalooma in early May to learn more about protecting the ocean life in Moreton Bay. The day was filled with sharing ideas for environmental initiatives, beach games and dolphin feeding. Tangalooma Island Resort has generously offered a 15% discount for all members of the College community.  Click on the below button to access this offer. 

Wrapper Free Wednesdays

The Green Team would like to remind the College community about ‘Wrapper Free Wednesdays’. This initiative is a dedicated day of the school week where all families are encouraged to eliminate soft plastics from packed lunches. It prompts students and families to reconsider how lunches are packed in an effort to raise awareness of the amount of plastic consumption in our everyday lives and the impact this has on our local marine and wildlife. Over 7 million tonnes of rubbish ends up in the world’s oceans each year, 80% of which is plastic! 


The Green Team’s tips for ‘Wrapper Free Wednesdays’ are:

  • Pack food in reusable containers
  • Drink water from reusable bottles
  • Have a reusable spoon for a fork with your lunch
  •  Have a reusable lunchbox

Year 2 News

This term Year 2 have been learning about animals, including their class, appearance, diet and life cycle. They have been classifying animals into groups such as mammals, reptiles, amphibians and insects.


Year 2 has also been looking at animal instincts. Animals are very in tune and seem to be able to tell when people are sad or unwell. They can warm our hearts and brighten our day. 

Year 2 discussed their spirit animals and decided which animals they were most like and the reasons why.  


Here are some of our spirit animals:


My spirit animal is a monkey because I like climbing and I love bananas. I am a little bit crazy and I like to play jokes and be funny like a monkey.  
Max O
My spirit animal is a chipmunk. I am small and I like peanuts. I like going under things and I am playful. I am also brown like a chipmunk. I have chubby cheeks like a chipmunk. I love walking on my hands on the ground like a chipmunk.  
My spirit animal is a dolphin because I like swimming. I like going through the waves. I am happy and like laughing just like dolphins. I love whales as well, just like dolphins do.  
My spirit animal is a mountain goat because I love jumping and climbing from rock to rock in rivers. I like to explore high mountains like a mountain goat.  
My spirit animal is a bear because I like sleeping and exploring and sometimes I get angry. I also have sharp teeth and fingernails like a bear. Bears also live in a cave that is dark and I love the dark.  
Max H
My spirit animal is a phoenix. A phoenix is a long tail feathered bird and you can’t see it but it always watches you when it flies. I think a phoenix is fast like me and it is happy.  
My spirit animal is a crow because I like being in high places. I also like sausages and cheese. I am intelligent and smart like a crow and I like chatting as well. I am noisy and l like parks just like a crow.  
My spirit animal is a cassowary because I like to eat fruit, I am noisy and I am tall just like a cassowary. Cassowaries are very endangered and there is only one of me. I am very connected to animals and wildlife and this is where a cassowary lives. Cassowaries are mainly slow but they can adjust their speed just like me. Cassowaries can be annoying and very fierce as well as sleepy which is all like me.  

P&F Fun Run

Save the date for this year's Fun Run.  More information coming soon.

COVID-19 FAQ - Close Contacts

What do I do if I am a close contact and do not have symptoms of COVID-19?

You should monitor for symptoms for 7 days from the last time someone in your household tested positive for COVID-19.


If you remain symptom-free, you can leave your home for any reason.

While you are a close contact you must:

  • wear a face mask at all times when outside the home
  • not visit vulnerable settings, such as hospitals, aged care and disability facilities, unless in exceptional or compassionate circumstances (for example, end of life visits)

It is also recommended that you:

  • test for COVID-19 if you develop symptoms
  • avoid large gatherings or crowded indoor events
  • work or study from home if you can.

If a close contact is leaving home, it is recommended that they undertake regular testing (such as on day 0, 2, 4, 6).


If you have had COVID-19 in the previous 12 weeks, you are not required to do the close contact testing, unless advised to do so by your medical practitioner.


Can I go to work or school while I am a close contact?

If you have COVID-19 symptoms, stay at home until the symptoms resolve and do not attend work or school.


If you do not have any symptoms and are unable to work or study from home, notify your employer or educational setting before you return. You will have to comply with any additional requirements set by your workplace or educational setting.


Clayfield College Requirements for Close Contacts

All children who attend school whilst they are a close contact must wear a face mask. All parents/caregivers/family members who are close contacts must wear a mask when on the Campus.

Primary What’s Happening Calendar Snapshot

Term 2: Week 6 (Monday 23 May – Friday 27 May)

Timetable: Week B 

Please refer to the online calendar, via the Clayfield College App or your Parent Lounge, for a live daily/weekly schedule of events.

House Chapel Services

Please refer to the 'College Events' page for further information.