This term has been filled with creative ventures throughout the visual arts stream. The Year 11s took this term by storm, starting with their workshop with guest artist and photographer Rudi Williams, who, paired with Mr Peoples, makes an amazing workshop that informs the students about photographic history and theory, photographic techniques such as making cyanotypes, silver gelato on prints and analogue and digital photography. The photographic material that has resulted is incredible!!
The Year 12s on the other hand have been hard at work pouring their blood sweat and tears and when we say tears we mean A LOT of tears into their art and studio folios, detailing every trial or artistic journey they have taken during this year. The Year 11s this term have been hard at work jumping into the curatorial world of art exhibiting, individually curating their chosen group's artworks into a collaborative exhibition that focuses on the cohesion of separate artworks and we must say that the KOLARIK gallery looks amazing. For what may have been the first time that these students have worked in an exhibiting environment we applaud you because the work that has been proudly displayed by this cohort is stunning. The Year 12s are hard at work organising art to be displayed in their mid-year exhibition, a very exciting time and opportunity. With the guidance of our artist mentors and trusted Teachers we are preparing for our very last mid year exhibition at VCASS showing 21st June VCA Artspace (be there or be square)!!! This term has been one of immense stress and subsequent productivity, and we know for a fact that each respective cohort is enjoying all that this year has to offer. Feel free to keep up to date with the visual arts stream Insta account that gives you a fresh peak into what we are up to at the moment (@visartscorner).
Have a great term break!!!
Year 12 Visual Arts Mid Year Exhibition | 21-23 June | VCA Artspace
Then Again celebrated the work of Year 12 Visual Arts students. Photos from the opening on 21 June are below. The exhibition is an opportunity for students to display work they have created from both the Art and Studio Art study designs. The exhibition was officially opened by Arts captains Rose and Monty along with acting principal Donatella Mannolini to a wonderful crowd of families, friends, artists, and alumni.
Over the past term, Year 11 Visual Arts students have been involved in a variety of activities for Art, Studio Art, and Gallery Studies.
In Studio Art we have been working with artist Kenny Pittock, and generative artists Lucy Maddox and Rhys Cousins. Kenny has been working with us to create a 3D ceramic picnic mural. We have all sculpted elements of a picnic (like cakes, ants, chips, juice, and seagulls) and we have installed them in the school library onto a picnic blanket.
To watch the video below use the password Picnic
Lucy and Rhys are part of an art collective called Tangere, and they showed us how to use software called TouchDesign to create generative art. We were able to create a “Snulmet”, which was a helmet that transforms the noise of the room allowing for an immersive snail experience.
In Art, we’ve had the pleasure to work with artist Rudi Williams. Our workshop with Rudi explored the origins of photography as well as how different kinds of cameras and photographic processes work. Rudi also helped facilitate behind-the-scenes access to the NGV’s photography collection with curator Maggie Finch. This experience allowed us to have a better understanding of the importance and cultural significance of photography's history.
In Gallery Studies we have had weekly visits to exhibitions and museums. At Top Arts, we looked at VCE Art and Studio Art folios and then viewed an exhibition of their final work. At the Private Eye at Oigall in Fitzroy, there was a collection of oil paintings and other works, and we were given an artist talk by painter Archer Davies. We also went to Gertrude Contemporary for Octopus 22: Baroquetopus and saw a range of works, and were then able to talk with artist Scotty So about his practice. Tarrawarra was an amazing gallery, we got to see Only when it's cloudless, by David Noonan and found out more about his use of mixed media and the importance of found images in his work. Recently we also got to see Neon Parc's exhibition with Josey Kidd-Crowe, and talk with Kidd-Crowe about his use of abstraction and how he uses different techniques and mediums within his work. We also were able to view Gertrude Glasshouses Being, Human Being; UFO photography, which had a range of UFO related and inspired art.