Parents & Friends


President-Kim Smith, Vice President/Secretary - Lisa Macreadie, Treasurer - Michael DeMaria, Public Relations Officer - Currently Vacant, Public Relations Assistant - Vanessa Sleeth, Communications - Tina Kennedy, School Rep - Ann Margaret Carroll, General Committee Members - Cecily Davis, Tina Kennedy, Vanessa Sleeth, Sharna Sibio, Dale Boschetti.

Updated - Pie Drive

Tatura Pies!

Late Order forms are to be returned no later than Friday 3rd June 2022. Orders after this date will not be accepted.

Delivery of orders is scheduled for the 15th June 2022 – at the Marion centre from 3.00pm, onwards.

Pie Drive Order Form Below




Term 3 - Father's Day Stall

              - Student Disco (pending restrictions)


Firstly I would like to thank all volunteers that have put their hands up to help with the fundraisers and events P&F have held so far. 

Unfortunately we had minimal assistance with the past two fund raising events. If we are unable to gain the help & support from family’s then these types of events will not take place and the raising of funds to help provide extra resources across the school will be minimal and special events for our children will not be able to go ahead. 

We understand all families are extremely busy but when the call for helpers is sent out, we ask for you to consider helping to make this possible and provide assistance to the small P&F group who are coordinating these events.

The more help and support received the more things the Parents and Friends can run for our school. We are appreciative of all the help we receive. 


Any questions please contact – Kim Smith 0449 579 944


Thank you 

Kim Smith & the P&F Committee