Year 5 Biodiversity Project

By Alice,  5D 

In May 2022, two lucky Year 5 classes, 5A and 5D participated in an amazing project called B and B Gardens. If you're asking: what is B and B Gardens; I'll tell you. B and B stand for birds and bee's garden. This is a big project for enhancing biodiversity, bringing pollinators to NMPS, and planting more plants and flowers in gardens at schools and at homes.


To help our pollinators we first started off by partnering up and tallying all the bugs we saw. Then, the week after, we planted a range of plants from lavender to many more awesome plants. The same week, we also thought about a specific type of bee, the blue-banded bee. We focused on making their homes by mixing clay and sand, then digging a hole in it about the size of your pointer finger. We also learned facts while we worked. For the last sessions, we got another sheet for seeing how many pollinators were at NMPS after the past few weeks.


This project was fun and engaging, and I also learned way more about pollinators. I hope we can all plant more flowers!