Around the Classrooms


What a first week! Miss Whyte and Mrs McHenry couldn't be more impressed by this year's Foundation students. In just one week students have settled into the school routine including practising attentive listening, lining up, taking turns and sharing with others. They have explored a few sounds in literacy and made patterns in maths. It's fantastic to see so many smiling faces and new friendships forming.

Year 1 and 2

Literacy – The Victorian Gold Rush

This year we are teaching Reading and Writing a little differently.  We are focusing on building Content Knowledge on specific topics to enhance the engagement of reading and writing.  We are beginning Term 1 with a unit based on the Victorian Gold Rush.  This unit will enable us to teach the students key concepts of history that occurred in our local area.  If you have any expertise on this we would love to hear from you!


Home Reading Program

Last year we were lucky to purchase a variety of new decodable home readers for our Year 1-2 cohort.  We are in the process of finalising our home reading program and we plan to have it up and running by the end of this week.  


Routines and Expectations

Last week in Learning to Learn the 1/2 cohort were learning about our new routines and expectations. It was great to see so many involved students who loved learning in their new spaces with their new teachers and peers. Here are some quotes from the students about their learning experiences: 


Angus W: “In learning to learn I really liked writing. I liked meeting my new teachers for this year”. 

Noah: “In learning to learn I really liked PE, we played rob the nest it was fun. We also played a game where there were two ‘taggers’. I have enjoyed learning about new things this year”.

Sienna: “In learning to learn I liked learning about art because we did fun things. I liked meeting new people in my class.” 

Charlie E: “In learning to learn I liked seeing and meeting my new classmates.”

Darcy K: “In learning to learn I liked meeting my new teachers and spending time in my new classroom.”

Porcia: “In learning to learn, I liked playing “eagle eye” which is a game where you change something about you and the class has to guess it. I liked all the new getting to know you activities as well as being in a new room and watching Felix play! (Felix is our class fish!)”

Year 3 and 4 

For the first week of school, all students in 3/4A and 3/4C completed the Learning to Learn program! Students engaged in activities which helped them to get ready for learning starting in Week 3! Some of these activities included sharing 'All About Me' with their new friends and teachers. It was a wonderful way to get to know our new classmates and set high expectations for the rest of the year! What a fun week! 

Year 4, 5 and 6

Welcome to 2022! It has been so wonderful to see the many smiling students returning to the 4/5/6 classrooms. Students have settled back into school routines quickly and our classrooms are currently working like well-oiled machines. This past week we have worked together to establish the expectations of our classroom environment, both inside and outside. Students contributed their ideas on what a good teacher and student looks, feels and sounds like and also what is expected of them during lessons. We have co-ordinated our credit points and reward system and look forward to earning many rewards as we demonstrate the values on our values matrix. We would like to congratulate the 4/5/6 team on the way they have returned to the classroom and look forward to many more enjoyable weeks together.


Please take a look at the website we created of our Learning to Learn week. Each class has created a page and we step you through the activities we completed. We hope you enjoy seeing our week!