
This section of the newsletter provides information about our Social and Emotional Learning Program at BBPS. Here, we will share useful tips, links and resources to support your own understanding of student wellbeing and how you might support your child with aspects of school life such as positive mental health, understanding COVID-19, building friendships and eSafety.


BBPS is a committed partner school with The Resilience Project. Our ethos of practicing Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness underpins the routines of our school day, our focus in daily Circle Time and our reflections on learning. Students engage in weekly sessions using their Resilience Journals to unpack these concepts. Often, you might notice us reference and provide reflective questions in our weekly Friday Compass Post as a way of supporting our community and providing a framework for further conversation. 


Today, we provide some open questions you might consider using at the end of each day with your child. The purpose of these? To combat the minimalist answers you might receive to “How was your day?” (“Good”) or “What did you do?” (“I don’t know” or “Nothing”). Try asking one question and then listen to the response, being curious to know more or to paraphrase to show you have heard what your child has said and add your own connection. 



What was the best thing about your day today?


What did you enjoy most in class?


What games did you play at recess / lunch?


What made you laugh today?


When did you have the most fun today?


Who is someone you helped today?



What’s one thing you learnt about someone in your class today that you didn’t know before?



Who is someone that made you feel good today?

What is one thing you did today that you have never done before?


What made you curious today? What surprised you?


What would be one thing you could change about today?


Where is your favourite place at school? What makes you say that?