Last Friday the children and staff at Sacred Heart celebrated our End of Year Mass at St Mary’s Church. The ceremony began with a procession leading into the church by our leaving staff members, Lou Burke, Abbey Hayes and our Graduating Year Six students with their Prep buddies.

This was a beautiful celebration where every person was able to participate in one form or another. Those continuing their journey from Sacred Heart held their candle high before passing it on to their Prep buddies or another person. This ritual signifies their continued shining light for us to carry. 

Many children were involved in readings, lighting of candles and five of our Year Six students sang unaccompanied, Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord before the whole congregation joined in.

To the staff and students leaving us here at Sacred Heart, hold your light high and know that you will always have a special place in our hearts.


As we enter the third week of Advent we light the Pink/Rose coloured candle signifying JOY, this candle is also known as the ‘Shepherds Candle’. Next week marks the final week of Advent and we light the last purple candle signifying Peace. This candle is also known as the  “Angel’s Candle”. It reminds us of the message of the angels: “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.” On Christmas Eve or Christmas Day we light the white ‘Christ Candle’ signifying the life of Christ. 

  Stay safe and enjoy a Merry filled Christmas and New Year

Julie Leonard - Religious Education Leader