student attendance

Student Attendance 2021
Foundation 94.29%
Year 1 94.02%
Year 2 94.27%
Year 3 93.14%
Year 4 93.55%
Year 5 93.65%
Year 6 92.86%
Overall 93.68%
Processes are in place to manage student non-attendance. These include daily follow-up of students who do not attend school and do not provide an acceptable explanation. This follow-up involves a phone call from our front office and may on occasions also involve a meeting with the classroom teacher, Principal or Director. Records of student attendance are kept and may be discussed at Learning Conversations if concerning patterns are emerging.
As we continued to navigate a global pandemic in 2021, student attendance continued to increase increase in 202, likely due to:
- no overseas travel, particularly by our families with family and cultural links to other countries; and
- improved health and hygiene practices, reducing incidences of illness.