Unit of Work/Specialist Timetable

This term our Unit of Work is ‘We are a community of learners’. Students will develop their confidence at school by learning classroom routines, rules and make and play cooperatively with their new friends. Students will also be learning about ‘Growth Mindset’ and that it’s ok to make a mistake, it’s the process that brave learners follow when they are learning. You can support their learning at home by reinforcing the message that it’s ok if you don’t get it right the first time, good learners are ‘brave’ and have another go!



Our Preps have enjoyed engaging in a range of ‘hands on’ and ‘real life’ play experiences called ‘Investigations’ in the classroom. We have set up a range of different ‘stations’ such as a shop, Library, kitchen, construction zones, train sets, mini classroom and discovery areas that spark your child’s interests and imaginations. These carefully created stations allow our students to ‘play’, ‘create’, ‘imagine’ and ‘question’. This helps develop their social and language skills as they work alongside different students in ‘real world’ settings. It builds and extends their vocabulary as they are exposed to new words, new experiences and engage in meaningful conversations with their peers and teachers. Each Investigation session has a focus and a reflection time at the end. Our focuses to date have been, ‘I can pack away my things at the end’, ‘I can be a kind friend’ or ‘I can ask someone to play with me’. The investigation sessions will change and adapt according to our student’s interests and developmental needs.