Endeavour House News

This is my fourth year in Endeavour House and each year I notice the Endeavour boarders are more and more supportive of the new boarders entering boarding. I feel pleased that we are developing a culture of caring for each other in boarding at GSG. We have numerous siblings visiting Endeavour to check in on their sisters, cousins, neighbours and friends. One of our caring older siblings made the decision to stay in Endeavour a little longer to support her sibling through homesickness. One of our new boarders, who is suffering from homesickness herself, is concerned about others and asking if she can support boarders who might be homesick also. It is heart-warming to see young people supporting each other, even when they may be having difficulties themselves. In my mind this is one of the very best things about boarding. 


COVID… dare I say it? It has challenged us for a few years now and our young people continue to be completely accepting of the everchanging rules they are required to follow. They didn’t complain when we told them we couldn’t hold MasterChef this year due to COVID rules, they were just happy with the separate house BBQ that were planned as an alternative. They didn’t complain when we asked them to sit only with their own house at dinner, they were simply pleased that maybe they wouldn’t catch the latest germ that the boarders in the next house have. They didn’t complain when we told them they are required to wear a mask in prep to Michaelmas, they just got on with their prep. They are superstars!


We hold a morning meeting known as 'rollcall' every weekday morning. This is when staff give daily reminders, ensure students have everything they need for the day ahead and discuss current issues relevant to teens. So far this term we have covered: not leaving your toilet roll on the floor when you change it, emptying the dishwasher, stacking the dishwasher correctly, refilling water jugs in the fridge after use, not having the television too loud, cleaning up after yourself, being thankful and showing gratitude. Is this sounding familiar to any of you out there in parent land? Seriously though, this is the chance for us to catch up and discuss the important and sometimes not so important but necessary things. It’s a nice time together and we do have some important and sometimes challenging conversations in this time.


We encourage our boarders to get their weekend sorted by Thursday night and book any REACH, transport and Recreation, giving staff enough time to check and approve leave and plan for extra buses and supervisors for Recreation if necessary. You can help us by encouraging your boarder to plan ahead for their weekend. 


Mckayla Ettridge celebrated her birthday in the January holidays. Happy birthday! Amelia Peacock celebrates her birthday with her family on Saturday and Paige Tapscott will also have her birthday in February. Happy first boarding birthday!


Please don’t hesitate to contact the Endeavour Team at any time.


Mrs Tara Ball | Head of Endeavour House