Upcoming events 

22022022 – 2-2 day (tutu day)

Let’s have a bit of fun! On 22nd February it is an amazing number which is actually a palindrome. A palindrome is a word, number, phrase or other sequence of characters which reads the same backwards as forwards such as madam, Hannah, mum, dad, etc. We are going to have a fun day at SPS on 22nd February, 2022 as this date is a palindrome, 22022022. We want all of the kids to come dressed up celebrating 2-2 day. They can wear a tutu for the day (which was our original idea for everyone but some of the feedback from the students were they would not wear a tutu!!!!) so they can come dressed with 2 of something they wouldn’t usually wear (2 hats, 2 pairs of socks, 2 piggy tails, 2 gloves, 2 capes, 2 tops, etc or they can be creative with the number 2 in any way they want to. It is all about having fun by dressing up and doing some learning around this crazy number for the day. We look forward to seeing what you come up with – we are trying to get all teachers in tutus!!!! Could be interesting!!!!



Book Club

Keep a look out in your child’s bag this week for the first Scholastic Book Club catalogue of the year. We are lucky here at SPS to have a number of initiatives to support our students in developing a passion for books and reading. Book Club gives families an affordable and convenient way to access the best in Australian and international children’s literature, and is a fantastic way to engage and motivate our students to develop their love of reading. As an added bonus, every time you purchase, SPS is being rewarded! Scholastic gives back 20% of your total order value to our school as Scholastic Rewards so we are able to purchase valuable literacy resources for our library and classrooms.

This year to streamline orders and to maintain COVID safety practises, we are asking parents to ONLY purchase online via the Scholastic ‘Book Club LOOP. 

If you don’t already have an account, you can set one up here and follow the instructions.


If you have more than one child at school, you do not need a separate account for each child.

Book Club orders for catalogue 1 will close on Monday 21st February.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Happy reading.

Karin Rooke 

(Grade 2 Teacher/Book Club organiser)