Rubbish Rebel Waste

Feel fantastic and recycle your plastic! 

This week our new Rubbish Rebels waste program launched. Students are encouraged to bring nude food everyday in their lunchboxes. The class with the lowest wrappers each week wins the Rubbish Rebels trophy for the week. Teachers will also be nominating individual waste free warriors who will go in a draw to win a sustainable prize. 

Students have been learning about recycling in Environmental Science and we encourage you to follow up this chat at home, a few of the things we learnt are: 

  • Rubbish bags and liners cannot go in the recycling bin. Recyclable items must be put in the bin loose. 
  • Plastic can be really useful if we buy reusable items. 
  • Buying in bulk and bringing containers is usually cheaper than buying individual packets of foods. 

Over the coming weeks Somerville PS will be introducing a waste collection area, there will be dedicated bins for you to drop off hard to recycle items from your homes including batteries, pens, markers and office supplies and soft plastics. Stay tuned as we will announce in the newsletter when this is open. Somerville PS is proud to be working on becoming a 5 star sustainable school. 


Thank you to Decor for your generosity in donating these containers to us to start our zero waste journey.


If you have any questions please contact Jemma Dunstan – or 5977 5421.