
Student Wellbeing

During this time of Coronavirus, many of us have experienced a variety of emotions ranging from fear to anxiety. All of these are considered to be normal and natural responses to any challenging situation that can often result in our minds telling us all kinds of scary stories.


This can be especially true for our young people, for whom uncertainty and disruption is less than ideal. Many of these ‘what if’ stories will often predict the worst and are considered not helpful. It is therefore vitally important for adult carers to remain vigilant for any signs of distress, even though your child may not have any prior history of a mental health disorder. Early intervention, diagnosis and treatment have never been more important.


If you do have any concerns relating to your child’s mental health, you may wish to consider using the assessment tool provided by Beyond Blue. The checklist aims to measure a broad range of social, emotional or behavioural difficulties your child may be experiencing and is suitable for kids from 4 years of age.


Click here to access the Beyond Blue Assessment Tool. If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact your school for further information or seek medical or professional help. 

School Counsellors

We currently have two counsellors who are willing to work with families at no charge. If you would like to make use of this service please contact our Wellbeing Leader - Trish Lloyd who can assist you in setting this up for you.


 Please contact her on plloyd@sttcbourne.catholic.edu.au