From the Principal, Diana Ellis

Day for Daniel  October 25th

To promote our student safety day we are encouraging people to wear red. If possible a red t shirt but if not, any item of red such as socks, ribbons etc. Please note this is not a fundraising activity so no gold coin donation is needed.


Throughout the week our teachers have been doing a range of activities with students to make students more aware of strategies for keeping safe when they are not with a supervising adult.


Topics covered have included:

The right to be safe, recognising the way our body responds when we feel unsafe, knowing what to do and how to react when we feel unsafe and who can help us to stay safe. Students have been talking about always making sure an adult knows where they are going and who they are with and identifying 5 adults who are their safe people.


At assembly on Friday, Lauren Roberts, one of our parents and a School Council member, will speak about 'Day for Daniel' at assembly. Lauren is a nurse and it is as a result of Lauren’s suggestion at School Council, that we endorsed this day to promote keeping children safe.


We all have a responsibility to keep children safe. There are many great resources for teachers and parents which can be accessed on the internet provided by the Daniel Morcombe Foundation.


Grandparents Day 0ctober 25th

Tomorrow morning from 9.00 until 10.40 we are welcoming our grandparents/special people into our classrooms. This will be a great opportunity for grandparents to engage in learning with our students.

I have included some links below that discuss the importance of grandparents in the lives of children.

Family Maths Night

Next Wednesday 30th Nov is our Family Maths Night. The teachers have been working hard behind the scenes to prepare the activities for the night. We look forward to working with you to promote a positive mindset around Maths. The evening starts at 6.30 in the Multi-purpose Hall.

Sun Smart

Again a reminder that all children need to be wearing their wide brimmed hats as per our Sun Smart Policy, that can be found at the office or on our web site.


Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer and it is important that we implement preventative measures.


For health reasons we will not be providing spare hats. Students without a hat will be required to play in designated covered areas.


We are currently seeking a number of quotes to install shade sails and shades structures around the school.